The End

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Pieces of Writing is a book or short story or monologue or other whatnot... I started and never managed to complete it until now, and my AAS class project kind of gave me a reason to complete it. This contains a series of thoughts, questions, emotions, life events, and comments. It could be considered a journal of some sort. It's a list of topics I have thoughts and questions on or just a rant session on some series of annoying events that occurred in my life that I never manage to completely share. Pieces of Writing is basically a bundle of my insecurities and doubts, all things that were written are things I have thought, asked, wondered, dealt with, and some even told. This is my narration that is a jumble of my incoherent thoughts and expressions concerning my doubts, pain, insecurities, lies, miracles, and secrets that I hold in my heart.

This was actually completed a while ago, but I decided to wait until how to post it to the web.


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