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1 month later

Sam's POV

Sierra had gotten better. She was sitting up without any help, holding down all her food more, feeding herself, and she was now able to reposition herself in bed. She was also starting to walk and that made her a lot more mobile even if it meant she walked slowly. She still had really bad hot flashes and chest pains but they only worsened whenever Elijah would leave. The relationship her an Elijah had was barely there right now. They spoke but not for long so they seemed really awkward. Despite that you could see that he cared for his mate. He would help her to do certain things such as repositioning her pillow, go get her food, and anything else he could do to help.

Sierra's POV

I sat in my room relaxing reading a book when I noticed Elijah enter the room. "Hey, how are you?" I gave him a small smile. "I'm okay and you?" he smiled back. "I'm good. I actually wanted to know if you were interested in taking a walk on the beach today, maybe we can get to know each other?" "Sure, it'd be nice to actually get away from the house for once. Just let me get dressed in something more beach worthy." he nodded and I went to my drawer excited to get dressed for the first time in a long time.

         Once I was done getting dressed I met Elijah in the living room wearing a white T-shirt with grey shorts

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Once I was done getting dressed I met Elijah in the living room wearing a white T-shirt with grey shorts. His locs were out of the usual ponytail he had and hanging to his shoulders. He looked up staring at me for a second and then smiling. "Are you ready?" I nodded saying see you later to Sam and everyone else. We got in the car his family had rented and headed straight to the beach. We began by walking side by side. I had decided to take off my heels and hold them as we walked.

"So, how long have you lived in Forks?"

"I've lived here for most of my life although when I was younger I would spend my summers in Florida with my mom and sister."

"Did you enjoy living in Florida?"

"Yes, I loved being with my family and honestly I love the sun. I wasn't a big fan of the heat." he nodded. "What is living in Alaska like?"

"Alaska is pretty cold but I don't mind. I have some fun times with my pack mostly when we throw festivals, go sledding or skiing, and just have fun."

"That's great. How big is your pack by the way?" he smiled

"Big enough to have a small city that belongs to us. We have a very large vampire population so we have about 400 members over all. About 100 of us are shifters but the rest are mates, children, elders, former shifters, etc.." I looked at him shocked.

"That must be really stressful knowing you're going to be leading such a large pack. Are you nervous or anything?" he gave me a light laugh.

"Not at all. I was born into this so none of this was a secret. Like there's basically a lot of us are taught about the legends and for me my dad said it was true. Those were things we bonded on because everyone in my family has phased. If this was new to me I definitely would be nervous because I wouldn't have that experience but this doesn't really bother me." I smiled at him as he seemed to be proud of the memories.

"How old were you when you shifted?"

"13, it may seem really young but it's normal in my pack and we normally go through training right after for about 6 months. How old were you?"

"17, so just 3 years ago." he smirked

"So you were still just a pup, huh?" I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Whatever." he continued to laugh.

"So, what's your favorite food?"

"I love seafood but I can't say anything specific. What about you?"

"I love lobster tails and Alfredo. What's your favorite dessert?"

"I love cheesecake. It's like the best dessert to exist and no one can tell me otherwise."

"I agree completely. I'm a big fan of strawberry cheesecake."

"You have great taste."

Elijah and I were still talking although it was really late. We talked about a lot of things ranging from our favorite things, old relationships, rights, things we want to do in the future, and like literally every and anything we thought of. Overall we seemed to vibe really well and I have to admit that I actually really like him. He's so focused and goal oriented and he thinks a lot like I do when it comes to a lot of things. We were still sitting on the beach and he sighed looking at me.

"What do you think of our mate bond? Like I want the honest truth so I can know where we're starting."

I sat back and thought about the question. "I'm nervous honestly. I don't want to get hurt again and I'm scared to trust you even though my gut is telling me I can trust you. I'm honestly just really scared but I feel like getting to know you is making it easier. I saw all those visions of our future together and I believe it can happen but I don't know if I'm ready to put my entire heart in another relationship." he nodded

"I'm going to be honest with you. I was happy to finally find my mate but I felt the bond almost immediately and I just wanted to help you. I didn't really think about our future I just needed you to be okay and support you as much as possible. I would like to get to know you and establish a relationship even if it takes time but I live in Alaska and I'm the next Alpha to be there. You live here and you're just now getting back on your feet literally so I didn't know where to start. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything and i want you to understand that I'll be as patient as possible with you. Your happiness is my first priority." I nodded understanding exactly what he was saying and I had honestly thought about it over the last few days. I've lived in Forks my whole life but my sister was now married to some Vampire and I haven't heard from her or the Cullens in the last month. Sam was here but I didn't see myself living with Sam forever. I didn't want to leave the pack but I didn't want to be here forever, hiding who I really am, and not being truly happy.

"If you give me more time we can definitely discuss the possibility of me moving to Alaska. It's really hard for me to make that decision so soon. I just need time." He stared at me a few seconds longer.

"I understand. My father, mother, elder, and brother Noah will be leaving soon so I'll be staying with you as long as I can until he calls me back." I smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding." He nodded.

"I don't want to force anything on you. Just let me know whenever you have your decision."

I smiled at him as we both relaxed on the beach until it was time to go home.

Once we arrived home Emily and Sam(mostly Emily) greeted me excitedly. Once Elijah left Emily sat me down on the couch with her muffins excitedly. "How was your first date? I need to know all about it. Oooh did you guys kiss???" I laughed as she poorly attempted to cover her excitement. "It was great, no we did not kiss. I don't even know if we consider that to be a date. We just walked on the beach and we discussed us. It was nice and honestly I think we've made some progress. We'll take things slow, you know?" she smiled at me. "I'm glad you guys actually decided to talk. He seems really nice and it's extremely obvious how much he cares for you. I know you'll be happy with him here or in Alaska." I looked at her shocked that she brought Alaska up. "What did you think I wouldn't know that there's a huge possibility of you moving to Alaska. You have a huge heart so I know that you wouldn't want him away from his family for you." I sighed knowing she was right. "What do you think I should do? I know I have a few months to make the decision but I know that I won't be able to stop thinking about it." "I think that being here, you aren't happy and I think you should do whatever makes you happy. If you decide to make the move it should be because you want to and not because you feel you have to. Ever since you joined this pack you've only experienced what it's like to be unhappy and it literally almost killed you. His family loves you already. Sam and I will support you no matter the decision you make because we love you." I hugged her tightly. "Thanks so much Em, it means a lot." she smiled and nodded and we chilled on the couch talking until we were too tired to stay up.

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