A Lead

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Third Person POV
Screaming. The Cullen house has been filled with nothing but constant screams since the wedding. They were worried about the woman who was now in pain from the imprint rejection. She could barely keep down abt food she ate. She was sweating tremendously and her body was shaky from the pain she was in. She could barely sleep for anything over an hour without waking up to her pain. They were doing everything they could to help her. Sam had decided to let Sierra be cared for by Doctor Cullen. Whenever he would visit he would help Carlisle do research on the imprint bond that Sierra had. When they weren't doing research they were trying to help Sierra through her pain with the imprint in place. They started with trying to give her pain pills which didn't help because of her being a shapeshifter. When her body would start sweating they would put ice on her forehead which melted quickly. Over time they noticed that she was losing a lot of weight. Her body would often switch from her normal temperature to her human temperature and Carlisle couldn't figure out why until now.

Carlisle quickly met Sam at the door as he pulled into their driveway. The look on his face was clear when Sam saw him and it made him worried. "Sam, I've figured out why her temperature flashes are happening and what the pain is doing to her body." Sam nodded listening closely as he entered the house hearing his younger sister scream in pain. "What is it Carlisle?" "The pain in her chest is literally from heartbreak. This is a disease that spreads through the body making you feel excruciating pain and like her heart is on fire or in literal terms breaking. With humans it doesn't take long for the body to be in this pain and cause them to die from what looks like a heart attack. I think that since she is a shapeshifter her body is fighting back against the disease but it's making the process more difficult in the first place. Her body could shut down if we don't do something soon or at least figure out how to slow the disease from spreading. If we don't slow it, it may break down all her shapeshifting cells and eventually spread to the human cells she has left and kill her." Carlisle watched as the man took deep breaths to remain calm. "What can we do? We need to figure out some way to slow it down?" Carlisle sighed completely lost. "We just need to do more research Sam. I'll update you on anything I find but to be honest with you I really don't know what to do, Sam." he nodded "Thank you, I know that we have differences but I'm thankful that you care for my sister. I appreciate everything you've done for us.

~1 week later~

Her conditions were worsening and you could see it even more now. Her body was quickly going back to it's human form and all they could do was watch as her body fought to live. Her eyes were baggy, she still had random hot and cold flashes, she always looked like she was in pain. Despite that her body was accepting more food and she was smiling more around her family and friends even through the pain. They were happy to see that she could still smile even though she knew she was dying. Her smile saddened them when they left the room because it never met her eyes. She looked exhausted and weak and like she was ready to give up and it angered Sam to see. He decided that he would follow up with the pack that him and Billy had researched years before and coincidentally he found the pack leaders number on the internet. With a deep breath he made a call realizing this was the only lead they had.

The phone rang twice before someone picked up. It was a man. "Hello, my name is Sam Uley. Is this mister Armoni Alaistair?" "Yes this is. How can I help you Sam Uley?" "This may seem weird to you but I found you through a legend that is really common in your tribe. The story is about a man who imprinted on someone that rejected him but found his true mate. I was looking for you so that maybe you can help me find out some answers as to hat happened to that person through the process of being rejected. I'm a quilette so it really interested me." "Sam be honest with me? Are you the Alpha of your pack in La Push?" Sam sighed not caring if he knew the truth. "Yes I am. I have a pack member who's been rejected by her mate and I need to find a way to save her." he heard the man chuckle lighly. "I understand. I am the 6th Alpha of my pack and although I have not witnessed what happened to my ancestor but I do know the full story. I can meet with you in La Push in a few days. I'll bring my wife, son, and a couple other pack mates with me." Sam nodded gratefully. "Thank you so much."

After the call Sam drove to the Cullen house excitedly. When he arrived he saw Carlisle rush out the door but before he could speak Sam did. "I found a lead with this pack located in Alaska. I called them and they said they could come and try to help as much as possible. I want to take her to my house since I don't know how they'll react." Carlisle nodded understanding and smiling. "I'll arrange that immediately. Congrats, let me know how it goes. We want to know all the progress and if you need help we're still here."

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