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tw: panic attack

the night we met - lord huron

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the night we met - lord huron


i felt someone nudging at me.
it was my mom, waking me up. "hun! it's time to wake up. you've got quite the day ahead of you." i opened my eyes and my mom was hovering over me.

"i'm up, i'm up!" i pulled my covers over my face, wining. i had an audition today. stranger things, season four.

(lmfao it's 2021, season four hasn't released yet bc of covid. they're filming rn 🤧)

i crawled out of my bed while my mom walked over to the door.
"look nice. be yourself, but don't be the drew i know who wears sweatpants to church, please. this is a big day hun." my mom walked out of my room, closing the door behind me.
i walked over to the mirror and rubbed my eyes.
i sighed, just because i was tired.

i walked back i've got my nightstand and picked my phone up.

incoming call from - luna
accept or deny

i put my phone up to where my whole face was visible, while the screen read: connecting.

"hey hottie!" my best friend, luna said through the phone.
i laughed.
"hi luna!" i smiled.
"you look rough. you aren't going to your audition like that, are you?" she nagged at me.
"luna! no i just woke up. i need to get ready, i gotta go. i'll call you when i get back from the audition."
"okayyyyyy! good luck sexy. tell finn wolfhard that i love him and i'm single."
"shut uppppppp. i really gotta go. bye luna."

i shook my head and hung up and tossed my phone onto my bed and made my way to my closet.
i pulled out my paper bag jeans and a black, cropped skin tight tank top.
i changed into my clothes and put my hair up into a pony tail.

i wasn't really into wearing makeup, so i didn't worry about that extra time i didn't even have.
i slipped on my white canvas shoes and walked down the stairs, into the kitchen and stuffed a poptart into the toaster.

my mom came into the kitchen, dressed.
"see. you look so nice drew. i'll be out in the car." my mom walked out of the kitchen just as the toaster popped. i grabbed my poptart and put my phone in my pocket. i made my way out to the car and buckled my seat belt.
a long twenty minutes went by and we pulled into the parking lot of this large building.

i got out of my moms car and walked into the building with my mom.
i fiddled with my rings on my hand, because i was ridiculously anxious.
my mom was rubbing my back as we walking up to a counter.
"hi i'm here with my daughter, drew stevie. we're here for the auditions." my mom said.

anxiety ~ finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now