Chapter 10

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"Hinata... Your awake?"-Naruto softly 

"Huh? W-what are you doing Naruto-kun"-Hinata getting up

"I'm sorry Hinata"-Naruto gently sitting beside her


"I'm sorry I forgot...I'll help you now ok?"-Naruto 

Hinata POV:

So he does remember? I looked at his face searching for signs of lying.....He really is serious about this? WOW


"Hm ok come on follow me"-Naruto took her hand and led her to a window

I felt comfort for once... His hand is big and warm.... too bad I'll never get to hold it again..

*BANG* I jumped behind him.

"First step: Face it like your not scared of it and don't give up that's your nindo too right?"-Naruto

"Y-yes I'll try"-Hinata emerging

*BANG* I flinched but kept my ground..

"Good job... Now try to stand still and not flinch"-Naruto instructed

I took a deep breath getting motivated and determined not to fail *BANG*. That one was a really loud one... I grabbed his hand in fear


"No it's fine.. It might help you if I hold your hand"-Naruto taking her hand back

Ok now there's no way I'm going to flinch.... Even in the biggest of storms..

"You did it... Nice.. That was quick"-Naruto

"N-Naruto-kun c-can I sleep in your room with y-you today?"-Hinata looking down

"I don't see why not"-Naruto grins softly

"Arigatou gozai masu"-Hinata bowed before getting her sleeping bag an following Naruto

I placed my sleeping bag beside his bed and climbed in.. it was cold so I moved a bit trying to get warm. He took my hand again... I looked at him in surprise but he was already asleep...Well....I guess I should just enjoy it...Sometimes I wish that I was good enough for Naruto...


"Hinata wake up"-Naruto shaking her shoulders

"Hm? What? Why so early"-Hinata pouting

"You can go back to sleep but I am going out of the house for a few minutes.. Be right back"-Naruto

Hinata sleepily nodded and rolled over..

Hinata POV:

I'd been sleeping for a while when I had a sudden urge to throw up... Naruto did tell me that this would happen a lot...After emptying the contents of my stomach and rolled on to the couch and closed my eyes..

Naruto POV:

Kakashi sensei said he had a mission for me so I was heading towards the Hokage Tower

"Good Morning Naruto"-Kakashi greeted

"You said you had a mission for me?"-Naruto

"Ah yes that... We've gotten a anonymous request and it says that you should increase Hinata's self confidence in the few days she's living with you... And than you and her should travel to Genbu island in Kumogakure, There you will teach her how to control her power..Please inform her of this journey and keep the self-confidence mission secret"'-Kakashi

"Yes Sir"-Naruto sunshining away

I enteret the house seeing a very pale Hinata on the couch

"Hinata are you ok?"-Naruto sitting next to her

Hinata opened her eyes slowly

"Yeah I'm good"-Hinata

"Ok well... Kakashi sensei wants you and me to travel to Kumo.. There I can teach you how to control your power"-Naruto

Her whole face lit up

"Really? Sugoi"-Hinata grabbing his hands

"Eh..Gomen"-Hinata sheepishly

"It's ok.. You can go pack now.. We'll be leaving in 3 days"-Naruto smiled

Hinata nodded and left my apartment

-3 Days Later-

"Ready to go Hinata?"-Naruto giving her his hand

"Yes"-Hinata as she takes his hand and climbs the ship

"Than lets go!!"-Naruto enthusiastically 

Kakashi POV:

"Kakashi-sama isn't it a bit unfair?"-Shizune

"Unfair? Oh no.. I'm just giving my student some alone time with his future girl friend and don't call me that"-Kakashi

"So this is basically a matchmaking mission?"-Shizune

"Something like that.. Ino and Sakura requested this"-Kakashi

"And you allow it?"-Shizune

"Yeah it's beneficial to the village.."-Kakashi shrugged and than smirked

"But it's mostly a matchmaking mission"-Kakashi

"And why exactly did you allow it"-Shizune

"Cuz I was bored"-Kakashi

Shizune face palms and leaves the giggling Kakashi to read his novels..


(Short chap but whatever) 

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