Chapter 1

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I am woken up to my father screaming. What's happening to him? Why is he screaming? I grip the top of the ladder, swinging my body over the bars that keep me from falling from my top bunk, and land on the ground. Daddy's screaming has stopped. I glance quickly at Dylan, my brother who is 4 years older than me, he is still asleep. Did he hear daddy's yelling? Daddy. I spin round and head straight for the door that is on the opposite side of the room. I must be making noise because my brother has now awoken and is telling me to keep it down. I hit the door with a loud thud. My arm lifts up quicker than I thought possible and my door whips open so fast that I think that the screws holding it together came undone. I run out to see what happened and to see why daddy was yelling. I run to the kitchen, he isn't in there. I run to the lounge, he isn't there either. Where is he? I begin to run down the hallway on the other side of the house and stop outside daddy's door. I grip the door handle and push the door.

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