chapter 15

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alex's pov:

4 times

jesses crappy car broke down 4 times on our way to my dads house

"goodness jess what's the point in having all the money in the damn world if you don't even have a car that's put together!" ken kicked the side of the car

jesse had the cars hood up while me,lucas, and ken were standing outside

his car was an old lamborghini miura, it had a nice shiny red coat with golden rims on the tires

it was already dark outside and i know by the time i get to the dinner, everyone is going to be pissed

everyone as in my parents

jesse dugged his head deeper into the hood,"yup it's the battery again..i don't know i think we have to walk this one on foot"

lucas groaned outloud as ken smacked his hands on his face sighing loudly

i calmly walked up to the car looking at the hood

i took a moment to analyze the current state the battery was in

ken noticed and looked at me puzzled

"what are you thinking about?" ken asked

i didn't even reply

times like this where i have to do everything myself

having to rely on people is hard if they are complete idiots

i got in the drivers seat

"lucas get in the car with me, ken and jess, you guys push the car forward and don't stop until i tell you to." i commanded

ken looked very annoyed but he still did as told

him and jesse began to push the back of the car

"it's too heavy!" jesse cried

i rolled my eyes,"if we walk it's going to take us atleast 2 hours to get get to pushing"

shortly after saying so the car started to roll faster and faster

i started the ignition and automatically the car turned on

"get in!" lucas yelled out

jesse and ken quickly jumped in the car

everyone cheered on as i sat in silence

jesse went and started shaking my shoulders from the back

"woohoo you did it man!" he yelled out

i'm not one to get happy over foolish things

there was nothing to celebrate here

we are late

and if it hadn't been for my basic knowledge of cars, we would've been screwed

i continued driving

"let's just hope us coming at one piece is enough for dad to forgive us.." i whispered to myself

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