chapter 12

12 1 0

my head hurts so bad

"stay still!" one of the maids yelled out as she was brushing through my hair

she kept dragging the brush harshly down my kinky hair

every stroke a knot had to be pushed through, making the process very painful

"ow!" i cried out

i could see the maid rolling her eyes in the mirror, grabbing my hair as she got ready to brush again

"alissa! what are you doing!" leah yelled out rushing in the dressing room

she grabbed the brush right out of the maids hands ,"alissa..why does tinas hair look like this? why is she crying?"

"her hair is so hard to work with and she keeps moving her head away everytime i brush" alissa complained

leah let out a big sigh

"did you try putting some kind of moisturizer in her hair? did you try brushing by section? did you try brushing slower?" leah asked but from the silence coming from alissa, she already knew that alissa hadn't dont any of those things

"you can go help make dinner, you already wasted enough time. alex, the boys, and basically the entire family will be coming home anytime now and tina isn't even ready" leah told

alissa glared at me through the mirror for a second

i felt a little intimidated from the look of her face

"why did alex have to get a n*gger girl" she mumbled before bolting out the room, giving no time for leah to snap at her

i felt irritated

it wasn't like i asked to be here

leah hummed as she continued to do my hair

i kept my eyes focused down at my lap, too nervous to look at my hair

this time i didnt wince or cry once because it didn't hurt at all

"you have such long beautiful hair.." leah chimed

i smiled at the compliment

my mom loved my hair

anytime someone complimented my hair in public as a kid, she had one of the 'proud mom' looks plastered all over her face

my mom one day let me and ella have a play date in the 4th grade

when she came back to pick me up, we were apparently no where to be seen

ellas family, my mom, and my brother looked all over the house to find us

they eventually almost had to called the police

but when they found us my mom almost had a heart attack

we had horribly attempted to give ourselves bangs

from that day on until highschool my mom forced me to keep my hair in cornrows, so that there was no way i could try and cut my hair

i giggled at the memory

it's only been a day and i already miss my mom

it feels like it has been weeks

being trapped here is terrifying

the only thing keeping me on my feet is..hope

..hope that this is all a bad dream that i'll soon wake up from

"i finished!" leah chirped out, snapping me out of my thoughts

i looked up to the mirror and i almost gasped

my hair was so beautiful

my hair was all down except for a section in the front

a braid from the section was cornrowed down to the left side of my head, bobby pinned down behind my ear

my curls were really defined because of the moisturizers leah had put in my hair, making my hair a bit more looser than it would be normally when it's dry

she also put some flowers in my hair

i couldn't help but smile

"the flowered were the daisy's from earlier in the garden" leah pointed out

she had me sit down again so she could continue and get me ready

my name is tina worthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now