Ch 1 - Ch 1 - Back to witches and wizards and magical beasts

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A/N: This chapter is mostly a summary for those who either haven't read Book 1 or (like myself) have forgotten some things. If you haven't read Book 1, you can do so here >


"I'll get it! I'll get it! I'll get it!" Branwen Potter leaped down the stairs, taking two at a time. In her rush to answer the doorbell, she tripped on the last step, taking the fall on her knee. "Ooh," she groaned, but pulled herself up and continued hobbling down the hall.

When she reached the door, she threw it open with an eager smile. "Hi, Re....mus?"

Her jaw went slack as her eyes travelled up the boy on her front stoop. When they had parted only a few months ago, Remus Lupin had been only slightly taller than his best friend. Now, he had at least six inches on her. He was hunched over though, as if uncomfortable with his new proportions and trying to withdraw his gangly limbs into himself. His tawny hair had grown as well, hanging in a dishevelled fringe over his ears and across his brow where it attempted to hide the puckered, pink scars across his face.

Remus' pale face lit up though, upon seeing Branwen, and he threw his shoulders back. "Hi, Branwen. How was your summer?" He resisted a mighty impulse to smack himself. He knew exactly how her summer had been; they had exchanged letters everyday.

"It's been nice. Better, now that you're here."

"It's nice to see you again, Miss Potter," Lyall Lupin cleared his throat from where he stood behind his son.

"Thank you, Mr. Lupin," Branwen jerked back into a state of alertness, realising her guests were still standing outside in the warm August sunshine. She ushered them in. "It's nice to see you as well. Please, come in. I think my father is in his study."

"Thank you, dear," Lyall smiled at the two teenagers, then made his way further into the house. Though the Potters and Lupins had never travelled in the same social circles before their children started school, Lyall and Fleamont Potter had seen a great deal of each other recently.

Fleamont had retired several years ago from overseeing the production of his invention, Sleekeazy's Hair Potion and Scalp Treatment. Lyall worked for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Over the summer, the two men had attended several meetings for a new underground organisation called the Order of the Phoenix. Their children knew little about the work of the group, except that it was part of the growing turmoil in the wizarding world.

Just before Branwen and her brother James had started school, a dark wizard by the name of Voldemort had launched his campaign of destruction and evil. So far, his actions had mostly been relegated to the shadows. He was known to be recruiting dark creatures and was rumoured to be behind a number of seemingly natural disasters. He was also fuelling a growing hostility between the magical and Muggle communities.

Even within the wizarding world, Voldemort promoted a pureblood mania, ostracising those wizards and witches of Muggle birth. Though the Potters were purebloods from a long lineage of respectable wizards, they were condemned as blood traitors for associating with Muggle and half-blood families, like the Lupins.

With their fathers in conference, Remus and Branwen stood awkwardly in the hall, stealing glances at each other. Remus rubbed his chin, and Branwen realised for the first time that there was blonde stubble growing in scrubby patches around his facial scars.

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