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This isn't a chapter but I just wanted to give you all an insider on me and how I came up with these ideas about Lea for the Far Away series.

So just like Lea, I never met my dad. But, my mother did not die and I'm very blessed to have one.

Also like Lea, I hated my dad with a passion because I thought he didn't love me. I thought that I wasn't good enough for him. I actually didn't care if he was dead or not and I wanted him to burn in hell. Im ashamed to think of these thoughts even after my mom told me the reasons.

First of all, just like Lea's mom, my mom didn't tell my dad he had a daughter until later on in my life. He was shocked, I mean who wouldn't be. He tried to reach out but my mom pushed him away for the same reason Lea's mom did, his family.

He had 3 daughters and his youngest should be around 19 or 20 now. They all know about me.

When writing this last chapter and the letter from Lea's dad, I realized that I shouldn't be mad at my father for something he couldn't control.

I have never met my dad and I only know how he looks by a picture from facebook. I remember I used to search his name everywhere to try and contact him because I wanted to know him.

Everyone be grateful for your parents because a lot of people either have one or none.

And there's an insider on me, PimpMisfit 😊

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