Skinwalkers (Part 10)

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Larn woke up, finding herself next to a roaring bonfire, she had her hands tied behind her back and her ankles were bound together. Larn saw Nimona, she was cutting into something with a knife....

Larn bit back a scream as she realized that Nimona was plunging a knife deep into a bull carcass. Nimona had just plucked out its eyes as she turned to face her guest. "Oh goody, your awake, you're just in time for dinner..."

The Doctor felt a hand grab his ankle, tripping him. That blasted wendigo was back.

"Oh don't worry, it doesn't got eyeballs in it." Nimona reassured as she pointed to a steaming mug of soup sitting right next to Larn. "You need to eat something dear."

It was a little tricky with her hands bound, but Larn managed to pick up the mug of soup, her eyes never leaving Nimona who still had the bull's eyes in her hand.

Larn turned away from Nimona. Nimona laughed, "No worries dear, I've just finished."

"I still don't want to see what you did to that poor thing." Larn replied as she set the mug down. She had lost her appetite.

"No worries, you will become very interested very soon...." Nimona's tone had a strange tone to it.

"What?" Larn suddenly felt something wrap tightly around her throat, choking her.

Larn thrashed and flailed as Nimona dragged her several feet away from the fire, the cord around her neck digging painfully into her skin as she gasped for breath.

Larn's vision danced with bright many bright lights....

"Once you become the Dark Spirit's host, I'll b able to teach you so much my dear." Larn was left gasping on the dry coarse grass in a heap.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"My Master, my God, the Dark Spirit, in order to live in this dimension, he needs a strong body with a strong heart. And in your case my dear....." she didn't need to finish her sentence.

"But first, my Lord must eat." Larn sat up painfully. She saw a Nimona putting the finishing touches on a shrine, several floating orbs of various covers were hovering in the air around them.

Suddenly, a gray mist surrounded them. "My Lord, I have brought you a worthy host!"

Larn trembled in terror at the sound of massive jaws crunching and chewing the remnants of bull. 

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