Skinwalkers (Part 5)

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The next day, the Doctor was hard at work, patching up the holes in the roof of the barn. He peeked through a particularly large hole and smiled when Larn looked up from milking a cow and waved up at him.

The Doctor waved back and then continued his task. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he reached for a nail, only to realize that he had run out. He rose to his feet and made his way to the latter when suddenly, a bright green light flashed in his face, blinding him.

He cried out in surprise and fell, grabbing the edge of the roof just in the nick of time. Larn had heard his cry. "Dad! Oh my god!"

"Larn!" The Doctor grunted as he tried and failed to hoist himself up, too much cherry pie, "I'm okay, just push the latter over to me so I can climb down..."

The Doctor felt his hearts freeze when Larn replied, "What latter?"

"What do you mean what latter?!" The Doctor snapped. "The ladder I used to—" As the Doctor looked around frantically, he noticed that his daughter was right. There was no ladder.

"Ugh! Never mind, just find me a ladder!" Larn ran to fetch a ladder as the Doctor was finally able to scramble his way back onto the roof.

He watched as the ladder was propped up against the side of the barn for him to climb down. "There you are Dad!" Larn called.

When the Doctor was back on solid ground, he yanked Larn into a hug. She hugged him just as tightly as she asked, "What happened? How did you get up there without a ladder?"

"I used a ladder! The very same ladder you just brought me!" The Doctor said, exasperated.

"How is that even possible?" Larn murmured.

"I don't know...." The Doctor murmured as he and Larn made their way back to the house.

"Don't say anything about this to Nimona." The Doctor said as they reached the porch.

Larn nodded, even though her gaze was filled with questions.

Larn was sitting on the porch, she couldn't sleep. The incident that occurred today was quite jarring. Someone must have moved the latter...but who?

Larn got to her feet and walked towards the barn. She wanted to make sure the cows were safe, when suddenly, she saw a light. It was a glowing white orb, and it was heading towards the TARDIS.

Larn reached into her pocket but then remembered that her sonic was with her Dad.

She followed the orb, it didn't seem threatening so she watched as it hovered around the TARDIS. Larn was trying to figure out what to do when she felt something brush against her leg. She screamed.

When her eyes darted downward, she was surprised to see a coyote. It wagged its tail and gave a soft yip. Larn turned to check on the TARDIS and to her surprise, the white orb was gone.

She turned back to the coyote who rubbed against her leg again. She let the coyote guide her back to the porch and it sat with her on the porch for a while before finally leaving.

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