Skinwalkers (Part 2)

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After the wolf finished giving the tent a good sniff, it turned to face Larn. It's eyes we're very strange, yet beautiful. A stunning emerald green with small round pupils which made them look very human.

"Hello there. I'm Larn." Larn said politely. "My Dad and I are just visiting, we mean you no harm." As she said this, the wolf began to walk towards her, not breaking eye contact.

Larn knelt down as the wolf got close enough for her to reach out and touch. "You are very beautiful." Larn said with awe as she admired the wolf's silver gray fur.

The wolf bowed its head, as if expecting a scratch behind the ears. Larn was more than happy to obliged.

"Oh such soft fur you have, and such a lovely color it is!" Larn said as the wolf gave a wag of its fluffy tail.

"I'm afraid I need to go back to bed now." Larn said with a yawn. "But I hope I see you again."

The wolf seemed to understand her every word and walked with her back to the tent.

"Goodnight!" Larn whispered as she zipped up the tent, the sound of the wolf's pawsteps as it walked away lulled her to sleep.

The Doctor woke to the sound of a scream. It was Larn.

"Larn! What's wrong?!" The Doctor exclaimed as he saw Larn at the tent opening. She was staring at something outside a look of pure horror on her face.

The Doctor whipped out his sonic and lunged outside. "Who goes there!?" He demanded.

But no one was there.

The only thing that he saw was the carcass of a mutilated cow.... 

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