Misaki Stairs?

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Kou was running. He wasn't listening to a word I was saying and still running. He was much farther ahead than me and as I was running to catch up with him, but from the corner, I ran smack into somebody. "Ouch." I mumbled as I held my head. I looked up at the tall figure to see who it was. Once I caught a small glance at the student council armband, I knew exactly who it was.

Teru's face lit up a bit as he saw my face. He reached his hands and held my head then softly spoke, "You should really be more careful when in the halls." He smiled as he started to softly ruffle my hair.

"pftt! Teru! you're messing up my hair! Quit it!" I hollered at him as I rose my hands in the air trying to get him to stop. I could feel my face heat up as he raised his hands from my head then smiled at me again. I then turned around quickly to try and hide my face out of embarrassment.

His smile stopped for a second as he noticed what I was wearing. "My jacket." He mumbled.

"Huh? Oh, right do you want it back or...?" I turned back towards him as he quickly regained his soft smile. 'That smile. you could see why he was the school's prince so clearly when he smiles like that. No wonder why Nene likes him.' I thought as Teru moved closer to me without me noticing.

"No it's fine it looks better on you anyway." He pulled up the jacket on my shoulder, it had been falling off a bit from how big it was on me. I slight red hue flashed on his cheek as his smile looked as soft and friendly as ever. His soft expressions made my heart flutter... god, I could feel the butterflies in my dead stomach. A form of emotion I hadn't felt since I had been alive. I missed feeling like this so much.

"eh.. right thanks!" I was struggling to find my words. but once I did I smiled brightly and waved goodbye to Teru quickly and as soon as I was out of his sights I started running again. I had a general idea of what had happened to Yakoo and Satou.

When I finally got to the old school's girls' bathroom Hanako and Kou were nowhere to be found. 'Where did they go?' I thought carefully trying to figure things out. 'Surely they didn't head there..... surely not.' I ran out of the bathroom and into the high school building towards the art room. There stood the stairs. The stairs that could possibly destroy the whole school's population, the Misaki stairs.

I stepped slowly up each step counting as I went. "one." Each second I got closer and closer.  "two." I could feel a rising nervousness inside of my body. "three." One step left. I closed my eyes as I took the final step. "Four."

I opened my eyes to see I was in my apparition form. I looked around the place was well decorated with lanterns and other traditional Japanese decorations. I floated around noticing many peculiar items. No person was in sight, just many dolls with the word, "two" painted on a paper that's attached to their heads. They were all well dressed in yukatas(correct me if I'm wrong.) that had beautiful patterns. 'Maybe I should wear a yukata too, I mean they are pretty..... naaaahhhh. I'm fine!' I thought to myself as I floated aimlessly about.

"RINNNGGGG......              rrrrrriiinnnnngggg.........."

"A phone.....?" A familiar voice spoke.

"huh?" I quickly floated in the general direction of the voices.

"uh,, senpai." I could hear Kou's voice.

I happened upon a scene of Nene picking up a mysterious phone. Nobody had noticed me yet. "Umm... Who's speaking?" Nene spoke. I went closer and floated between Hanako and Nene.


"Misaki...?" Nene spoke questionably. "And y-you when did you get here?" She pointed at me as Kou looked at me weirdly.

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