Our friendship forgotten

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Tw. ⚠️ talk of abuse, suicide/ suicidal thoughts, self-harm, death, blood, drowning. Please don't read if you are sensitive to any of these things.

I remember laying in bed hearing the yelling from downstairs. I remember hearing the vulgar words being thrown at him. Instead of helping him a stayed in my bed, numb to everything. Not even the screams of, "I'm going to kill you!" Would phase me.

I remember the next morning, how I woke up the same as always wishing I hadn't. I would put on my uniform and brush my hair. Then I would go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Afterward, I would walk down the stairs to meet the hell household as I called it. Mom was cooking. I could see my brother sitting at the table eating a pancake smiling like always.

I remember as I went to hug my brother mom turned quickly towards me. "Stay away from him!" She looked at me dead in the eyes. "A mistake should never touch something so perfect." She sneered at me as she turned back around and continued making pancakes.

I remember that I was about to turn around but my brother grabbed my sleeve jerking me back. "Y/n-Nee? Where are going? You haven't eaten yet." He looked at me with a sad look as I only smiled back at him.

I remember saying, "don't worry kid, I'll eat later!" I smiled as I raised my hand to pat his head but then slowly brought it back down remembering Mom's words.

I remember turning back around and putting my shoes on at the door. I left as I could see dad looking tired as ever walking down the stairs. He knew just as well as I did mom wasn't going to yell at him as long as Tai was there. Tai was lucky to be mom's favorite as dad and I were looked at as horrid creatures that would infect him if we touched him.

I remember walking out the door as my stomach growled. I had been holding it in because mom had heard it it would just be another reason for her to yell at me. I had walked a few miles to get to school.

I remember seeing everyone in the halls. I could see many people changing their shoes and chatting about. From the corner of my eye, I could see a choppy black-haired boy with yellow-brown eyes. He had scrapes and bruises all over him. He looked quite lonely.

I remember walking towards him but just as I did I felt a tug on my wrist. Kotona had come behind me and pulled me back she was smiling.

I remember her saying something but what she had said I don't remember. There are only bits and pieces of her I could remember, but this day she started to change. It was as if she was different. At first, I found it funny, her name was Kotona, only a few letters short of kotonaru (異なる), or different.

I remember not caring at first, saying she was just going through a phase, but this day was special. Before she was different she was smiling, always. She was a go getter and super pretty. I on the other hand felt different from her. I laughed as I remembered that word again. Different.

I remember her dragging my sorry ass to class. From under her short sleeve when it bounced from walking, I could see cuts on the upper part of her arm. I ignored it thinking they were probably accidental.

I remember as we sat down she scrambled through her bag looking for something. Within a few seconds, she pulled out two bracelets. One purple and one f/c. They were both braided and very pretty. She had grabbed my left wrist and put the bracelet on me.

I remember her saying, "when we are older and have graduated we should come to this school and trade bracelets. I'll take the f/c one and you'll take the purple one. So we can have our favorite colors when we come back. Think of it as a promise!" She smiled with her eyes closed.

I remember excepting the bracelet despite knowing we probably wouldn't be friends forever. Just like how most high school friendships end it will probably be before or right after we graduate.

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