Misaki stairs part two

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I nuzzled my head into the crook of Kou's neck as he held onto my legs keeping me on his back. I look up from his neck as another giant gate opens. I yawn and rubbed my eyes. Kou looked back at me. "Good nap?" Kou asked. I nodded and floated off of his back. "Is this the innermost reaches?" Kou asked holding tightly to his staff.

"I think so..." Hanako looked around. I floated close to him and held onto his shoulders.

"Look over there!" Kou pointed to something redirecting my attention to the direction he pointed. "Someone's there! Th- that's..!" Kou's face looked worried then suddenly looked shocked. "Are those all the parts we collected..?"

"Yikes." Hanako and I looked at each other then back at the abomination. "You just had to give it those weird legs, kid." Hanako pointed at Kou. "Geez." He mumbled.

Wha-!!? You're the one who said it didn't matter as long as we could keep going, plus I was holding y/- er.. a/n!"

"Huh?" He caught my attention once my name popped up in their conversation.

Nene penetrated my thoughts quickly. "Aww... the bust size and left leg are so perfect, but.."

I looked at her and floated to the abomination. "Really Yashiro? You'd be okay with this size of bust? I bet it would hurt to run. You'd have bruises all on your pretty face." I said trying to convince her she's fine the way she is.

"Ehh?!" She looked at me then back at the abomination.

"You finally made it." A familiar voice said. Nene turned to face the voice as did I to see a pretty lady dressed in a kimono. The lady ran over to the strange creature we made. She looked over it.

"Uh, umm, about that doll... b-believe it or not, we did try our best." Kou said quietly.

The lady looked over at us startling Kou, Nene, and me. "What a wonderful body!" She smiled.

"You're okay with that?" Kou and I looked at her funny.

"I was at such a loss, you see. I simply have no idea what human bodies are made of. I always knew it was a good idea to ask humans about human things. This is nothing like any of the other bodies I've made. I'm sure it'll work this time." She said caressing the doll thing.

'This time? The heck?' "Isn't that right, Misaki? Go on! Let me see you walk." She breathed on the doll and it shakily started moving.

"Eeeyikes!" I hid behind Kou houlding on to his shoulders tightly. The lady's face grew excitedly happy.

Suddenly the doll fell over breaking apart. "Oh dear... another failure. What a shame." She held the doll's head.

"Uh, um.." nene walked forward towards the lady. 'You idiot get back here!' I screamed internally "have other students been here? Where might they be..?"

"Other? Oh.. you're looking for the children's go failed. In that case. They're all around- didn't you see them?" Suddenly I noticed a large pile of doll bodies lying there.

"Eh - Ao-" I covered my mouth before I could finish. Nene's eyes went dead.

"Aoi!" Nene ran to her limp doll body.

"Nene!" I yelled.

"Yashiro!" Hanako called out.

"Aoi, wake up!" She screamed. "Aoi!!" I held back my tears to keep Kou from noticing.

"I try, and I try, but nothing ever works... I've had enough." Nene shook Ali's body knocking the head off. "Mpph!" I muffled a scream. "As for you three..." a pair of scissors came from behind Nene. I ran quickly to stop them. "I will tear you apart, just as the rumors say." The scissors looked over Nene and as I was about to get there the scissors hit Kou's arm.

Little fish ~TBHK X female reader~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon