The new girl

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Chicas POV

After all that fuss about the guard... foxy did seem a little sad about what happened. but I hope he is happy now.
Foxy walked out when I was doing my work. the girl awoke seemed a bit scared.

"It's ok your fine now." I said.

"Where am I who are you??" She asked.

"I'm chica, but don't worry your alive.." I said

"I am!!" She smiled.

"Well sort of." I whispered.

"Sorry what."


I walked out of the backstage and went to pirates cove and told foxy that the girl is alive and in the suit.

"Really!!" Foxy lighted up.

"Yes you can go and see her I guess." I said and walked to the stage.

I watched as foxy opened the door and walked inside. well I hope he will still be the same foxy.

Foxys POV

"Hello?" I said.

i didn't see her until I looked on the corner.


"Hi foxy." she said to the wall

"Is everything ok lass."

"No." She quietly said.

"That's good... wait what" I walked to her.

"No everything is not ok foxy... everything is not ok." She cried.

"You can tell me anything." I said.

"First of all I died. second I got stuffed into a suit. third I have 3 kids waiting at home for me. which one of them is 5!
You see foxy everything IS NOT OK!" She cried.

"I'm sorry about your kids.. if there is anything I can do for yo." She cut me off.

"No there is not... the only thing you can do is leave me alone." she turned around and pointed at the door.
there was a silence for about 1 minute.

"Foxy please just leave me alone."

"But lass." I said


"Ok..ok I'm sorry.. it was nice to meet you Jessie." I walked out the door. looking behind me I heard crying on the other side.

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