Dear r/relationship_advice 4

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Dear r/relationship_advice

I've got mommy issues, but my friend's in the hospital with an ectopic pregnancy her secret boyfriend didn't know about so I'm okay. Also, McHot saved said best friend from dying, and I low-key hate Doctor McDreamy.

I've got mommy issues, but my friend's in the hospital with an ectopic pregnancy her secret boyfriend didn't know about so I'm okay. Also, McHot saved said best friend from dying, and I low-key hate Doctor McDreamy.

By: DarkAndTwistyDoctor

Dear r/relationship_advice,

Here's your update for all those who follow this story. Find the past 2 posts under my username. My mom's in the hospital for diverticulitis except she thinks that she's 25 and that my roommate's my father and that's sorta weird. And also McHot just saved my best friend. She didn't want to tell her secret boyfriend about it because she was ending it anyway but he just found out and I bet he's really pissed.

But back to me, because this is my thread and I'm a vapid narcissist when I'm on Reddit. McHot has been wearing a black dress all day. Like the little black dress kind that makes everyone look good, and it makes her look like she came off of a runway. So I tried to say hi to her but then I chickened out so I just waved. And then I ran in as she was operating on my friend and she smiled at me and I smiled back.

So, progress. After she saved my friend I went out to the store and bought her chocolates but I was so scared to give them to her that I ate them. So I'll try again tomorrow. And we don't need to talk about McDreamy. I low-key hate him right now and so you can too with me because you're all very supportive.

So I'm trying to be friends now with McHot, but every time I talk to her my hands get a bit sweaty and my sentences become all rambly. Then my cheeks get all red, and my eyes get all big. And then I memorize everything she says, but I can't think of anything to say back until three hours later when I try to find her again. And then she says hi and my mind goes numb. So it's not going so well.

She probably thinks she's got a stalker!


OMG GURL YOU CANT DENY THAT YOU GOTTA CRUSH ON MCHOT, I MEAN FOR GAWD'S SAKE YOU CALL HER MCHOT. Also you don't be friends you be girlfriends. The end. #lezgolezbeans

-for real tho you better jump her bones or I'll jump them

Okay, I can totally still deny it. McHot wasn't my idea, it was my friend's idea, but he is so right. We're making progress at friends. Sort of friends. She doesn't insult me, she's nice to me. Once we even had a full conversation. And don't put the idea of girlfriends in my head. It's too much! The fantasies!



Okay so you call her McHot, how hot is she? Sounds like she is better looking than McDreamy. You can always be nice to her, and smile, offer a shoulder to lean in if she needs someone to talk to. Ask how her day is going, maybe after talking to her you can get a coffee together. Friendship can be amazing, she maybe looking for a friend. As for her husband, if he lied to you about her, what else can he be lying about?

I did the smiling thing! And she's got these smooth calves that I can see because she wears six-inch heels to work. She's fit, she's got a strong back too and a trim waist. And her voice gets husky and it's so sensual. I wanna lean into her but I'm scared she'll push me away.

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