Dear r/relationship_advice 2

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Dear r/relationship_advice

Boys suck, and my bartender's broken so I need your advice because I don't have tequila.

Boys suck, and my bartender's broken so I need your advice because I don't have tequila.

By: DarkAndTwistyDoctor

Dear r/relationship_advice, I'm coming back here for advice because my bartender's broken and I usually rant to him but now I can't, so here goes. To catch people up if they didn't see my last post, I was seeing this older guy who turned out to be my boss's boss. And then I told him I didn't want to date him. And then he kept chasing me. And then I gave in, and things were great until his wife showed up. At work!

And as it turns out, she works here too. She's also my teacher. And she's a great teacher. It's really unfortunate. She told me head on that she's tough on everyone 'not just the women her husband's slept with.' And she stood up for me. In front of a patient. And apparently, it's her who cheated first. Back in New York where they used to live. That's what the guy told me when I went to his trailer- did I mention he lives in a trailer?- anyway. I left. I have to be strong. This is being strong, right?

Also, I'd like to respond to some of your suggestions. Thank you for your input btw.


Dear OP,

I don't get what's so dramatic. She sounds hot and clearly you liked the guy. Just screw them both. Like, in the literal sense, on their bed in the woods. (I mean, not on the woods-woods, cause you know, there's dirt and poison oak but, yeah)

Okay, so yes, I did like the guy. And she IS hot. It's disturbing how hot she is. She wears pink scrubs. Who does that!? I know she's a neonatal surgeon but still. Her pink scrubs go with her red hair in this girly sort of way, and it's so seductive. But besides the point, I don't know if I could do them both. What would that make me? The dirtiest mistress? People are so judgy around here. And stop putting naughty thoughts in my head! And of course, we wouldn't do it on the ground. I have allergies. Hypothetically, I mean. We wouldn't be on the ground. We would be at my house. Not that it's gonna happen. Nice try tho.


Dear OP-

So your boyfriend never told you he was married? Forgive me but that sounds pretty shady. Unless I'm missing something...dump him. You know you want to, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this to Reddit in the first place. Half of Reddit is just people telling people to dump their partners.

It is pretty shady. And I've dumped him. But he keeps looking at me. And I'm trying not to look back at him but he's a brain surgeon. And brains are interesting. So I have to keep talking to him. But just at work. Thank you though. You're on my side about this I can tell.


okay first of all that dude is a dick and it kind of sounds like you may have like a crush on the wife. Sooooo if I was you I would like go after the wife, but idk if you swing that way soooooooo yea

He is a dick. And I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIS WIFE. Just because she is kind and honest, and she's one of the few surgeons in the country who can separate fetal blood vessels does not mean I have a crush on her. And btw, I have swang that way. Swung that way? The last time I had been swinging that way was in Europe with a mischievous blonde who was wild and reckless and who broke my heart in Amsterdam... And anyway, just because she told me 'chin up,' and smiled at me doesn't mean I have a crush, thank you very much. Thank you for trying. I appreciate it.


why don't you get to know her, and see if you can become friends. Look for little hints that she may have a crush on you, from what you wrote you sound like you like like her.

The more I get to know her the more problematic my life becomes. I don't think she has a crush on me, I'm the woman who became her husband's girlfriend, and now I'm her intern who stutters because she's so intimidating. Like, she said 'scalpel,' and I almost fell over. You should see her operate though. She's like a rockstar. I wonder what she was like in New York. I bet she was famous. The beautiful doctor who saves mother and baby at once! The Chief loves her. Even the Chief's wife loves her. BUT I DON'T LIKE-LIKE HER. THAT WOULD BE PREPOSTEROUS.

Okay, so thank you Redditors.

From what you're gathering, your advice is to stay broken up with said guy and avoid the wife at all costs. I'll let you know how it goes. Till next time.

Pls let me know if you have any better ideas.







Author's Note:

This work is inspired by r/relationshipadvice

by villhag

and on that fic, the commenters would act as Redditors and try to give the OP some advice.

Feel free to participate if you like as personas in the comments, and I'll keep them in mind to respond to in future chapters. Thank you so much to those who have contributed so far. As you can see, they have inspired this chapter.



Dear r/relationship_adviceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora