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We both left his dorm room, i still remained dressed head to toe in his clothing as the only clothes i had in his room were from last night and i wanted to be comfortable now that i was suffering from a hangover.

He followed behind me as we went down the stairs, i couldn't stop myself from yawning, indicating that i still hadn't had enough sleep, and couldn't stop my mind from thinking about a large cup of freshly brewed coffee.

As we approached the downstairs area, my thoughts were interrupted by a whistling sound followed by laughter, coming from the sofa.

I furrowed my brows, getting closer to the couch to see who it was.

Lee ,George, Angelina, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were all sat around, smirks on their faces as they watched the two of us come closer.

'well well well' George grinned, and eyebrow raised.

As i went to sit by lee, i ruffled his hair causing him to squirm and try and shake my hand away.

Lee held his arms out as i flopped down next to him, he wrapped his hand around me as we hugged.

Lee was one of my closest friends, last year i helped him with some stuff to do with his family, when he first discovered that he was gay, he felt a lot better, but he was terrified to come out to his family as he didnt know how his parents would react.

He came to me about it as he knew i was bisexual, and although i had never came out to my dad as we never really spoke, i tried to help him in any way i could and together we wrote a letter, he put in everything he felt and his worries towards what they might say and later that day sent it off.

The next few days he was a nervous wreck, he had all his friends around him, all being supportive and trying to distract him as we waited for him parents response.

Finally they sent back a letter, i never read or was told what they said to him, but the smile on his face and the change in his behaviour said enough.

I rested my head on his shoulder, fiddling with a piece of my wavy hair as the others carried on their conversation.

Fred was sat opposite us on chair, discussing what i think was something to do with their upcoming business plans.

That didn't stop us from occasionally stealing glances.

'Danny?' hemiones voice came from across the room.

'mhm?' i reply, changing my attention towards the curly haired girl.

'how did you know you liked boys and girls?' she asked.

The rest of the room looked at me , waiting for an answer.

I never had a problem with talking about my sexuality as it wasn't something i ever hid and was comfortable answering any questions my friends had.

'i guess when i first started experimenting with sexual stuff and shit, i wanted to see what both were like, then i realised that i was bisexual ... although I've never actually been in a relationship with a girl, only hooked up' i explain.

'see this bitch is cool' lee stated, the others laughed as i playfully whacked his arm.

The rooms vibe was interrupted by a banging on the portrait door , followed by the familiar voice of the fat lady, seeming as though she was angry at whoever was trying to enter.

The group shared a glance at one another, all of us rather confused to what was happening outside.

Ron stood up from his armchair, heading over to the entrance and pulling it open.

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