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The Hufflepuff common room was filled with students from every house, even some of the new Durmstrang boys, however there wasn't a Bauxbatons girl in sight, i didn't surprise me too much as from what i saw last week they didn't really seem like the party type.

Freds arm was still slung over my shoulder as we walked further inside, being greeted by some of our friends that were either high or drunk.

The middle of the room had been cleared out and instead being used as a dance floor , and the sofas and chairs had been pushed towards the side, creating sitting areas where people were playing drinking games or making out.

'Weasley! Valina!' a deep voice called over the sound of talking and music.

We turned our heads to the the side, following where the noise came from.

'hey ollie' i smile, watching as he continued taking large swigs from his cup, his body swaying slightly.

'Aubrey' he grinned, taking his hands and cupping my cheeks.

'you doing alright ollie?' i asked, placing a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

'I'm going to go to practice now' he stated, nodding his head as if he were agreeing with himself.

'practice? quidditch isn't on this year' i say, looking up at fred with raised eyebrows as i bit my lip to hold in my laugh.

'oh' he muttered, frowning and just turning around and stumbling off.

'i think we need to catch up' fred states, referring to our alcohol consumption.

'I'm with you on that one' i sigh, wanting to just get drunk and relax.

The pair of us walked through the crowds of people, heading to where there was a table filled to the brim with different types of drinks, seeming like an unlimited supply for tonight.

I randomly picked up an unopened bottle of what looked like firewhiskey and unscrewed the lid, taking it away from the table without a cup.

I needed it.

I took a large swig, making a small face as it went down my throat, the burning sensation bringing me an unexpected sense of comfort.

'where's Ginny?' i asked fred, looking around and taking another sip.

'over there with dean, Bree you might wanna slow down' he laughed, shaking his head as he poured himself a cup from a bottle that's label was turned away.

'I'm good' i say back, scanning the room for any signs of the rest of the group.

'there you two are, we wondered where you went' George said, coming of behind us and putting his hands on my shoulders, alongside Angelina.

'have you seen Neville anywhere, i wanna see if he has anything' i say, turning to face them.

'over by the sofas' Angelina replies,' ill join you'

She took her hand in mine, i was still clutching onto the large bottle of firewhiskey as we made our way over to where the raven haired boy was sitting.

After around an hour of of drinking, dancing and occasionally smoking, i was all together feeling much more relaxed and like myself for the first time in a few days.

The stress of school, relationships, family and just being a human being was all adding up recently and i had been waiting to just let go for a night, and that was exactly what i was doing.

I was currently sat on a sofa with Ginny, lee , Angelina and George, my legs were bent as i leant back onto Georges chest, finishing off my bottle of firewhiskey as i laughed with the others.

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