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1 month and 2 weeks latter

It's been a more than a month now and am still stuck on this wheelchair. The first day we landed we were attacked, I still hear the the gun shorts even today. That day I took a bullet for Lwando, when he heard the gun shorts he immediately froze and wouldn't move and me being mother Teresa.

I jump in to save him when i saw the one of the guys aiming at him. I can still hear the the cracking of my horns when it pierced through my back born just above my ass.

Today am meeting my new physiotherapists. The old one was a pain in my ass. She was bitter for some shit I have no i idea about, she went as far as banning my family from visiting me saying a very time I see them I take two steps back. Which I found very stupid, she is just a bitter woman that's all, she can't even smile nxa.

One day she helped me get on my feet and try stand up right. I told her i wasn't ready, but her being careless and had headed for no reason she let me go and i fell and my arm dislocated. I screamed so loud that three nurses and two doctors came rushing in to my private ward.

She almost got fired and I had to save her but I also demanded a new physiotherapists. So we been waiting for my arm to heal and now that am all good am starting my physio this afternoon.


" Hi am Mandlenkosi Linathi Ngwenya".

I turn my wheelchair and face at the door.

" Please go back close the door behind you, knock and the came in when i answer".

I say annoyed. I take a glance at him he looks good too good. He wearing a gray puma track bottom and a black body top, black and white Jordan snicker, my favorite. I feel a smile creep across my face, this is the first time i smile in more than a month now, now I smilen and it's because of a boy so not like me. He stands there with his jaws dropped kkkkk.

Mé: ... And then a you suddenly paralyzed or what?

Mandla: ... You're mean.

Me: ... You're mannerless.

Him: ... What !?

Me: ... Nigga just get the fuck out come back when you'be found your manners mxm.

He goes out and tries to to bang the door but damn the door slows down before it gently closes.

Me: .... Kkkkkkkkk lol, this boy will get me high i tell you.

It's funny he made me laugh and smile in less than an hour. This is gonna be interesting. I hear a knock i asked the person to come in. Kkkkkk it's Mandlenkosi, his eyes now look red, did he just cry or is it anger?

Him: ... Hi am Dr Mandlenkosi Linathi  Dambuza.

Me: ... Kkkkkk nansi imihlo, we Mandla didn't you say you sirname is Ngwenya. Can I rather see your ID.

He hesitate but give me still kkkkkkkk haya! His name is Mandlenkosi Linathi Ndlovu. I laugh even more yoh some people shame.

Mandla: .... Now that you have laughed your pain bitterness and fear away we can start, Phew I doubted this trick will work.

So it was his mission to make me laugh wow he just scored a point☺.

Mandla: ... Won't you introduce your self pretty.

Me: .... Haaa  my name is not Pretty.

It's his turn to laugh now he his deep voice, Deep laughter it just warms my heart that's stranger. Okay i just realized that the Pretty thing was not a .......

Him: .... Wow I so naive for a 20 year old, but I must say i like your innocence.

Am shy now, am Playing with my fingers facing the ground. Something I wrong with me this is not who i am, did the comer change me. Am not used to this, were is the real me fisty and mean, cold towards boy who are not my family😣.

Him: .... You look more beautiful when you blush.

Me: ... Am Lwezi Nobuntu Bangani.

Him: ... Okay nice to meet you Nobuntu.🙂

Me: ..... Please I prefer Lwezi. Nice to meet you too Linathi.

Him: ... Nice to meet you November.🙂

Me : ... What!


Please do excuse my spelling errors

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