Chapter 8: Not Again!!🤦

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"YOU!!!!" said both of them in unison.

"Not Again!!" Arjun murmured to himself pinching the bridge of his nose with both his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" asked Aadya annoyingly.

"Shouldn't it be the other way round Miss. Whatsoever you are? Well, I should appreciate your guts to barge into my cabin and ask ME what am I doing?" said Arjun smirking.

"Wait, why is he sitting on Sir's chair?" thought Aadya. That's when the realization strikes her.

"I a-m so-rry si-r. I was just sho-cked. I didn't know it was you. "said Aadya forcing a smile, controlling herself from scratching his face for his rudeness.

He half expected her to fight with him considering their previous meets but was amused at her forced politeness. Perks of being a senior, he thought. Well, two can play the game.

"Ah, I see. So, what are you here for?" asked Arjun monotonously hiding his amusement.

"I was asked to meet you, sir," said Aadya plainly.

"So you are that latecomer Dr. Aadya Mehra?" asked Arjun with sarcasm dripping from his words. He loved irritating this girl for some reason unknown.

"Umm...I am sorry sir. It wasn't intentional. I got stuck in traffic" said Aadya showing her puppy eyes hoping it would work.

"You were on leave for the last three days and on top of that, you are late on your reporting day. How professional of you!" said Arjun leaning back on his chair.

"I am sorry sir. I will not repeat it" said Aadya looking down, faking her sadness.

"Here, take this and read it aloud. "asked Arjun handing her a sheet of paper.

Aadya took the paper and gulped looking at its content. It was her leave letter.

"Come on start!" said Arjun looking at Aadya who was fidgeting with her leave letter.

"Respected Sir,

I Aadya Mehra, final year post-graduate...." started Aadya.

"Cut the chase and directly come to the reason of leave," said Arjun.

"I request you to please grant me leave for the next three days as I am not feeling well due to viral fever..." continued Aadya reading aloud.

"Right...So how are you feeling now? "asked Arjun.

"I knew it. This was the reason he asked me to read the letter aloud. Better I stay silent and escape this lion's den soon" thought Aadya and remained silent looking at the floor as if it's the most beautiful place.

"Stop this silent drama of yours. Just tell me the real reason behind this beautiful leave letter, only then you will leave this cabin" warned Arjun.

She knows he is taking revenge for stomping his foot. If he wouldn't have been her mentor, she would have wiped the smirk off his face.

"You already know the reason na sir,"said Aadya trying to calm herself.

"I want to listen to it from your own words, "said Arjun.

"Ok fine. I went on a trip. The previous professor was very strict with leaves and there's no way he would grant me leave for a trip so I have just lied I was sick" said Aadya looking at Arjun with a poker face.

"Now that's an honest answer. Let bygones be bygones. I am the InCharge of this department and also your mentor for the time being in Dr.Sajjan's absence. I have already said to your colleagues this morning and I would like to mention it to you again. Honesty, discipline, and dedication are all that I expect from you people. If anyone lacks in these, you will have to face the hell from me. I hope you are smart enough not to repeat your mistakes" said Arjun monotonously.

"Yes sir" nodded Aadya.

"You may leave now," said Arjun showing his arrogance.

Once she was out of sight, he couldn't stop the smile making way to his face.

Once she was out of sight, he couldn't stop the smile making way to his face

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