Obsidian x cobblestone

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Cobblestones POV
Wow, ok, that was kinda weird. But you know life goes on. And I'm not going to let myself think about the warmth of his hands or the intensity of his eyes or the way that they seemed to pierce straight to his soul, he wasn't going to think about any of that.
He was going to focus on putting his groceries away, and getting the house ready for the party tonight, that obsidian would be attending. Nope. No. Focus.
Cleaning, drying the dishes and putting them away. Sweeping the house. dusting of the tables and other knick knacks. Ok. Done. Now i need to get dressed. Easy enough.
What should i wear? I should probably go more casual, but what color? Blue maybe? Just like obsidians eyes-
Ok no, wrong train of thought, I'm gonna go with grey. I alway pull off grey.
Once i finally have my outfit together, there's only ten minutes til people will start arriving.
i walk out into the living area to see crafting table and furnace sitting on the couch, already dressed.
"You ready?" Furnace asks
"Of course i am." I don't know if I'm telling the truth.
The house was practically filled with blocks, with furnaces and crafting tables combined friends, the house was at max capacity. I'm not the most social block, so typically i find a corner to sit and people watch.
People getting drinks, laughing with each other, playing games, a classic party. Except for the fact that brick kept on giving me eyes. Did he want to talk to me?
I meet eyes with him and he starts walking over, did he want to talk to me?
"Hey cutie" he says as he puts his hand on the wall near my head
"Uh hey?" I say, confused.
"wanna go back to my place?"
"Um, no not really" I'm starting to sweat, will he leave me alone?
"Oh come on, i know you want to"
"I really don't" just as I'm about to punch him in the gut, i see a familiar hand grip bricks shoulder and turn him around.

Obsidians pov
I really gotta calm down right now, but i know that's not an option.
I had my brow set in the scariest face that i could muster, brick isn't going to mess with cobblestone again.
I turn him around and look him in the eyes "what do you think your doing?"
"Uh, I'm asking out this hottie, duh."
"Do you even know his name?"
"No, why do i need to know that, i just wanna have a little fun with him."
That broke me. Stars clouded my vision as i pick up brick and drag him outside, ready to beat the life out of him.
Just as i make it to the grass, i feel a soft tap at my shoulder, when i turn i see cobblestone with a scared look in his eyes.
"Please dont hurt him, I couldn't live knowing that you hurt someone because of me."
the gentle but mildly afraid look in his eyes, the soft tone of his voice, that's what made obsidian put brick down, if it has anyone else he would have argued until he was beating two people up.
He couldn't even imagine hurting cobblestone, and if someone else did, there would be no stopping him.
I can't meet his eyes. His beautiful green eyes, the eyes that i love looking at so much, hold disappointment in them. He's disappointed in me, and before i can say anything, he walks away. I need to talk to him, i need to follow him.
But i know he doesn't want to talk to me. He needs time alone and i need to respect that. He would just hate me more if i showed up now. I just need to give him space.
I know that there is still a party going on but I won't be very good company right now so I should just go home.
But I don't want to go home yet, if i go home now then I'm just going to be thinking too much. That's not what i need right now.
The only thing on my mind is cobblestone. He probably hates me now, he probably never wants to see me again. I wouldn't blame him. I freaked him out and now he's probably terrified of me.
I don't want that, i don't want cobblestone to be afraid of me.
As I'm trudging home, i look at the birch tree that I comforted him under. It feels like that happened so long ago, but in reality it was only a few days.
No block has ever made me feel this way before, and i messed it up by letting my temper get in the way. I dont think ill ever find someone like him again.
I'm such a screw up.

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