Obsidian x Cobblestone

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Cobblestones POV,
One day i was blocking out to the nether portal to say hello to obsidia, wow, i think to myself, he looks so blocky today, I don't know if i can handle his intense stare specifically pointed at me.
"H-hi" i say shyly,
"Hey." He says in that hot voice of his.
Wow i cant handle this. Its just too much, he's so hottttttttt. I cant handle it anymore and run away desuing the whole way home.

Obsidians POv,
Did i scare him off, i wonder to myself. God i hope not, he's way too cute to not be in my life anymore, I don't think that i can live without cobbleston, he's my rock, literaly and figuritally.
"Damn" i mutter to myself, i need to go talk to him. I start running in the direction that cobblestone left, yelling his name all along the way. I see him hiding behind a tree, god, is he ok?
I slowly walk around to the other side of the tree, he's crying, NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. This wont stand, i gently tap on his blocky shoulder, he turns around with tears in his eyes, gently i wipe them away,
"Hey, are you ok?"
"Now i am" he responds.

Cobblestones POV
Wow, i breath, his hands are rough, but like the nice kind of rough. The kind of rough that tells you that he works hard every day, if we ever started dating i know that he would take care of me. But that's a stupid thought. I shouldnt be thinking these things >////<. I feel my face heat up and i gently bat his hand away
"I'm fine." I say, a lie
"You're crying."
"So what?"
"I don't like it when you cry"
I look up at him, breath caught in my throat, my head is spinning, he's so close to my face.

Obsidians POV
Wow. I cant believe i said that, it just slipped out. I don't like seeing him cry, it makes me angry, i wanna find whatever is making him said and destroy it for good. I want to make him happy every day, i want him to feel safe all the time.
"You really mean that?"
I was caught off guard by cobblestones soft voice. I look at him with a small smile and soft eyes
"I do."
I see cobblestones cheeks gain a dusting of pink
"Pfft yeah right"

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