Chapter 5: He's Gone

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Becky, Alexa and Martha are in the upstair bathroom, whilst Logan, Aiden, Maggie and Courtney are down stairs waiting for them so they can announce Logan's return to the living world... but right now the three women are looking at three pregnancy tests that Becky took to tell her if her being sick the last few days have anything to do with it being pregnant or if it is just a stomach bug, Becky picks one up and reads it, then looks to the other girls in the bathroom.

Becky: Guys I'm... Pregnant.

The three were over the moon, especially Becky as she always wanted to be a Mum, but she was nervous on what Logan would think, Martha and Alexa picked up on this.

Alexa: He's going to be happy Bex.

Martha: Ya, plus Logan loves you two... he would never leave you again... and if I know Logan, and I do I'll have you know, he's probably trying to find out why this happened to you three, as we speak.

Becky: How do you think I should tell him?

The girls didn't know how to answer that, until Martha had an idea.

Martha: You guys are staying here for a little while right?

Alexa: Yea, probably till after Christmas... why?

Martha: It sounds cliche, and it's because it is, but why not just save it till then? 

The girls thought it was a great idea, but Becky had one more question.

Becky: But wouldn't I start showing by then?

Martha: Maybe, it's different for everyone, but if you do then lets hope Logan's as stupid as I remember and he thinks you're getting fat.

They all shared a laugh at Logan's expense, as he wasn't the best a seeing obvious things, Becky through away the test's and the trio left the bathroom and made their way downstairs to see everyone sat around waiting to break the news to the world, Becky and ALexa sat next to Logan as Martha sat next to Maggie and Courtney, but Logan missed was Martha giving his Mother and Sister a nod, then his Mum and Sister having wide grins, Logan looked to Becky.

Logan: You Ok?

Becky: Yea... perfect.

She said smiling, then giving him a kiss, Alexa than pulled her phone out and the police Captains card.

Alexa: You ready?

She asked Logan, Logan nodded and as Alexa was about to press the call button, Logan stopped her.

Logan: Wait, where's Dad? He still at work?

Everyone in the room shared a sad look, they forgot to tell him, so Logan's Mum took the rains and told him.

Maggie: Son... your Father died, last year...

Logan face dropped, he and his Dad always got along great, they would go to football games together and play snooker every now and then. 

Maggie: His Cancer came back... there was nothing anyone can do.

Logan was in shock, he's Father died thinking he was dead, Maggie said one more thing that brought Logan back.

Maggie: He did manage to finish it.

Logan looked at her with wide eyes, Maggie nodded with tears brewing, she then pointed towards the garage and Logan was straight up and entered to see a car covered by a dust cover, Everyone else in the room followed him to see Logan walking around the car cover, Alexa and Becky knew what it was as Logan told them all about it, Logan then ripped the cover off to show the thing he and his Father has been trying to build together since Logan was 15...

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