Chapter 3: Going Home

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Alexa woke up that morning with a smile thinking everything was just a dream and she was still with Brad and Logan was still gone, she frowned and took a quick shower still thinking about Logan, even tho in her dream he looked like a caveman, she still knew it was him because of the way he protected her from Brad, the way he made her feel safe in his arms, the way he called her sweetheart... Oh how she wished she could hear him call her that one more time, Alexa got out the shower, got dressed in some pyjamas and made her way downstairs to see Becky sat on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand and her phone in the other, it looked like she was texting someone but Alexa didn't want to pry, so she just sat next to her and saw she had a weird smile on her face.

Alexa: I had the best dream last night.

Becky: Oh yea?... About what?

Alexa: Logan came back and saved me from Brad... The only downside is they destroyed your house fighting.

Becky chuckled and put her phone away then said.

Becky: Lex that wasn't a dream...

???: What's a dream?

Alexa and Becky looked to the kitchen to see Logan leaning over the side, Alexa looked at him with wide eyes and slowly made her way over to him, he just watched her with a smile as Becky did as well, Alexa then held her hand out and placed it on his now trimmed beard.

Alexa: Your real?...

Logan nodded and made his way around the kitchen side and wrapped her in his arms then said.

Logan: And I'm never leaving again Sweetheart.

Becky smiled at the scene, till her phone rang and both Alexa and Logan looked at her as the kept the hug held tight.

Becky: Hey Hunter, listen can me and Alexa come in today?... Well we have a bit of a surprise for you... Ok great, but one more thing, can you, Steph and Shane meet us in the car park when we get there?... Great, thanks H.

She then hung up the phone as Logan asked.

Logan: Were good?

Becky: Were good.

Alexa: What's going on?

Logan picked her up, which made her squeal and laugh, he then sat on the sofa and placed her on his lap, then said.

Logan: I need to go home to tell my family that I'm Ok, I wanted to do it in person instead of them hear it on the news.

Alexa: That's a great idea, but why did you call Hunter?

She asked Becky.

Becky: So we could get in the air without Logan getting seen and all that stuff

Alexa picked up one thing in that sentence.

Alexa: Wait 'we'?

Logan: Yep, you two are coming with me.

Alexa was happy that she gets to go to Logans birth place, she's met his family on his first Wrestlemania and they came out after he proposed and also when he disappeared, but Alexa and Becky have never been to Portsmouth England.

Logan: You will need to pack warm, it gets very cold on the south coast, especially this close to christmas.

Alexa: Really?... How cold?

Logan thought for a second.

Logan: Well the last time I was over there was for christmas in 2016 and one night the temperature dropped to -5 degrees... But that was at like 3 in the morning, so we should be fine.

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