Chapter 10

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Y/N-Okay what do you want to tell me Dr.Sloan?
-Without hesitation Mark grabs your hand and takes you to the nearest on-call room-
Y/N-Dr.Sloan what are we doing here?
Mark-I wanted to speak with you in private.
Y/N-Okay and you chose an on-call room out of everything?
Mark-Yes, exactly.
Y/N-Dr.Sloan what do you want to talk about that you've been bugging me all day?
Mark-You keep forgetting I have more power than you so why do you always misbehave?
Y/N-I'm pretty sure you are breaking a lot of rules here so why the hell should I care about how much power you have?
Mark-Looks like someone needs to teach you some manners L/N.
Y/N-And who do you think should teach me some "manners" Mr.Know-it all?
Mark-*says under breath me*
Y/N-Hmm what was that I didn't hear you.
Mark-If you didn't hear me then that's on you I don't repeat myself.
Y/N-*says under breath ugh your such a dumbass*
Mark-WhAt WaS tHaT i DiDn'T hEaR yOu?
Y/N-Oh I didn't stutter babe.
Mark-Say it or else.
Y/N-Or else what?
-Mark pins you against the wall and just started into your eyes deeply you get those butterflies again and Mark noticed how nervous you are getting. "what's wrong bAbE" Mark says to mock you. You want to say something but you're too nervous to say anything. "cat got your tongue babe" Mark says in a flirtatious voice. You get your act together and finally say "your playing a bold game right now babe" You say boldly. Mark later than decides to kiss you with tongue passionately. You don't know wether to kiss him back or push him away but, you then decide to kiss him back with the same energy. Mark was surprised and then he couldn't contain himself so he picks you up bridal style and puts you onto the bottom bunk bed. Suddenly you hear the door open and you see a nurse, the exact same nurse that you found Mark having s*x with.-
Aaliyah-Mark, what are you doing with this dumb intern?
Y/N-Who are you calling dumb?
Aaliyah-Hmm let's see Mark isn't an intern, and that only leaves you so do the math.
Y/N-You need to watch your f***ing attitude when your talking to me.
Aaliyah-Or what?
Mark-Girls stop! Y/N it's best if you just leave.
Aaliyah-Exactly tell her.
Y/N-You don't have to tell me twice.
Mark-Aaliyah you leave too.
Mark-Don't ask questions just leave now.
-You walk out of the room mad because you can't believe Mark just did what he did, as your going to leave the hospital you see Alex-
Alex-I thought you left princess?
-After the day you had you just give Alex a hug because you needed comfort-
Alex-What is this for?
Y/N-I don't know I just needed a hug.
Alex-Hey Y/N look at me, what's wrong?
-You tell Alex everything-
Y/N-Mark Sloan wanted to speak with me privately and then we ended up in the on-call room and come to think of it he never told me what he wanted but one thing lead to another and we ended up making out and as we were about to have you know- this bitch ass nurse Aaliyah decided to walk in on me and Mark told me to leave and that's exactly what I did.
Alex-Where is the son of the bitch?!
Y/N-Alex, leave it alone I don't really care anymore. It was just a kiss it's not like I fell in love.
Alex-I don't give a f**k he decided it was a good idea to mess with you and I don't like that only I can do that.
Y/N-Oh only you huh?
Alex-Yes exactly.
Y/N-Yea okay whatever you say buddy.
Alex-Oh it's buddy now? Weren't you screaming my name last night?
Y/N-Alex! Shut up.
Alex-Yea mhm also, aren't you wearing my shirt right now?
Y/N-Okay we get it Alex you can shut up now.
Alex-Okay I'm going to shut up because I want too not because you told me too.
Y/N-Glad you made that very clear.
Alex-You wanna come over to my place?
Y/N-We aren't going to have s*x Alex.
Alex-I don't want to have s*x with you right now.
Y/N-What do you mean right now?
Alex-I do wanna have s*x with you just not right now. You need a friend right now not a f**k buddy.
Y/N-Look at you being sweet.
Alex-Yea shut up now let's go I'm hungry.
Alex-What did you just say babe?
Y/N-I. Did. Not. Stutter.
Alex-Keep up the attitude and your going to end up paying for your own food.
Y/N-Oh shut up.
-Your phone rings, it's Izzie you answer-
Izzie-Hey Y/N! We are all going to Meredith's place to go eat pizza do you want to come?
Y/N-Hey Iz! Yea of course I will be there soon. Alex is with me is that okay?
Izzie-Yea sure.
Y/N-Okay see you soon! Bye!
Izzie-Bye see you soon!
Alex-I can't believe you are making me go.
Y/N-Awe your so welcome love.
Alex-Shut up and get in the car.
-Alex opens and closes the door for you. You think that he's being so sexy especially when he was about to beat up Mark for you. You drive to Meredith's place-

What's going to happen at Meredith's place? Find out on the next chapter. Thanks for all of the support!

(tik tok-mxrk.sloxn)


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