Chapter 9

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Y/N-Oh my god what just happened!
-You, George, Torres, Burke, Cristina, Bailey, Alex, Izzie, Derek, and Meredith all run outside to help-
Cristina-This is gonna be so good!
Cristina-What it's true...
Meredith-Just shut up.
Bailey-Both of you shut up we have a trauma right now pay attention!
Burke-All three of the guys have obvious 3rd degree burns all around their bodies.
Torres-Someone page Dr.Sloan now!
Y/N-I will page him!
-You page Dr.Sloan and then 5 minutes past and he's still not here-
Bailey-L/N, did you page Dr.Sloan?!
Y/N-Yes, Dr.Bailey I did.
Burke-Well go find him then!
Y/N-Yes sir.
-You try to find Dr.Sloan but you started to breathe hard so you decided to calm down and get a breather in the nearest on call room you could find, you go in the on-call room to find Dr.Sloan having s*x with a nurse-
Sloan-Have you ever heard of knocking!
Y/N-Oh my god I am so sorry but, are you Mark Sloan?
Sloan-Please tell me you aren't one of my long lost daughters-
Y/N-No i'm Y/N,L/N.
Mark-Okay don't care what do you want can't you see i'm sort of busy here?
Y/N-Yea i'm sorry to bother you while your sort of "busy" but an ambulance truck flipped over and caught on fire...
Mark-Well why didn't you page me?
Y/N-*says under breath, i did you dumbass*
Sloan-What did you just say babe?
Y/N-I said I paged you.
Mark-I'm sure you did.
Y/N-No but, I actually did page you but obviously you didn't answer so Dr.Burke told me to come find you. So are you going to change so we can go?
Mark-Yea yea, unless you want to stay here while i change i don't mind *smirks*
Y/ thank you I will be outside.
-You are standing outside waiting for Mark to finish changing-
Y/N-God why is he taking too long..
Mark-Okay babe i'm done now let's go we've already wasted time.
Y/N-Yea okay come on.
-You and Mark go downstairs to the trauma room and you see Burke giving Mark the side eye-
Burke-Nice of you to join us Mark.
Mark-Yea yea just tell me what happened.
Burke-John doe, blunt trauma to the head, 3rd degree burns all throughout his body, bleeding out excessively he coded about 3 times before you got here already.
Mark-Okay so that means we have to work fast.
Y/N-Does any of you need me?
Mark-Actually yes, I do.
Y/N-What do you need?
Mark-I need a bone dry cappuccino
Y/N-Your using me to get you coffee?
Mark-If you want to say using then sure.
Y/N-Yea it seems like you don't need me so I am going to go find Dr.Torres.
Burke-Thank you L/N.
Y/N-Yea no problem.
-You leave the trauma room trying to find Torres and then you finally find her with George and Alex in the O.R so you put a mask on and go inside-
Y/N-Why didn't you tell me that you guys were going into the O.R?
Torres-You went to go find Dr.Sloan and he started to code so we brung him into the O.R, Alex said that you guys switched speciality's so that's why we didn't tell you.
-Alex looks at you and winks, your blood starts to boil-
Y/N-Dr.Torres do you know where Dr.Bailey is?
Torres-I believe she's in the O.R with Dr.Shepherd.
Y/N-Okay thank you.
-You go to the O.R trying to find Dr.Bailey and you finally find her and she is with Derek and Meredith-
Bailey-Took you long enough.
Y/N-Sorry I thought I was still on Dr.Torres's service.
Bailey-Well you thought wrong.
Y/N-Can I at least scrub in?
Bailey-No you cannot.
Bailey-Because Mark Sloan paged you to the O.R.
Y/N-For what? I'm on your service not his.
Bailey-I'm just passing down the message now go now.
Y/N-Yes ma'am.
-You are so annoyed at Mark right now but you go to him to see what he wants-
Mark-Finally you arrived.
Y/N-What would you like Dr.Sloan?
Mark-*says under breath you*
Y/N-I can't know what you want if you say it under your breath.
Mark-Nevermind. Anyways, where is my coffee?
Y/N-I'm a MEDICAL intern not your personal intern.
Mark-I didn't ask for that what I asked for was my coffee.
Y/N-Dr.Bailey told me that you paged for an emergency.
Mark-This is an emergency I am in dire need of a coffee.
Y/N-Is your legs working?
Mark-Well obviously why are you asking?
Y/N-I'm asking because you can easily walk to the coffee cart to get you your coffee.
Mark-I have more power than you so you do know I can make you do scut?
Y/N-Then make me do scut then because I'm not getting you a coffee.
Mark-Okay see me at the end of your shift.
Y/N-Okay fine by me. Is this all?
Mark-Yea sure now leave.
-You walk back to the O.R where Bailey is in and all you could think of is why does Mark need to see you at the end of your shift. Maybe he wants to give you all of the files in the world? Or maybe he wants to show you some techniques? You are just so confused but you finally reach the O.R Bailey was in but she's not there anymore. You get annoyed because you were treated like a chicken going places to places without being informed. You later try to find Bailey and after a few minutes you finally find her-
Y/N-Dr.Bailey what happened to the patients?
Bailey-Burke's patient tragically died,Torres is still in surgery and mine is in the Burn Unit recovery.
Y/N-Okay thank you for telling me.
Bailey-You can go your shift is over.
Y/N-Yea I just noticed, have a good night Dr.Bailey
Bailey-Okay see you tomorrow.
-You see Mark waiting for you until he spots you and the both of you lock eyes, you feel butterflies for some really odd reason-
Y/N-What did you need to tell me?

What does Mark need to tell you? Is it good news or bad news? Well find out on the next chapter!
(tiktok- mxrk.sloxn)


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