Chapter 2

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Alex- Wait.... why are you wearing light blue scrubs-
Y/N- Oh you know Alex I stole them.
-everyone stares-
Y/N- Oh my god are you dumb or dumb? I'm an intern dumbass, now its clear that you really have no brain cells.
Alex- Better watch it Y/N, we are grown up now and I can still beat your ass.
Y/N- Yea yea, I would love to see you try tough man.
Alex- You wanna bet?
Bailey- Are you done with this dumb conversation you have the whole hospital staring at the both of you now shut up and stop embarrassing me!
Y/N- I'm sorry Dr.Bailey.
-Y/N shoves Alex and whispers "say sorry now"
Alex- I'm sorry Dr.Bailey.
-the other interns are staring confused how you got Alex to listen to you-
Y/N- Please tell me that you have another resident...
Alex- You wish princess.
Y/N- Actually your right, I do wish. And i'm going to keep wishing until it comes true.
-you arrive at your first patient-
Bailey- So who's going to present?
-Alex raises his hand-
Bailey- Wow Karev, your raising your hand?
Alex- Yes, Y/N said she wants to present but you know, she said she's too shy to ask you.
-Alex shoves you forward while Bailey gives you the patient file-
Y/N-Um... Tom Dillard 34, came for chest pains, has had his appendix taken out a few months ago, where his right chest, it feels like a mass.
Bailey- Okay so what do we do now?
-an intern raises her hand-
Bailey- Yin?
Yang-It's Yang ma'am.
Bailey- Looks like you weren't listening to my rules.
Yang- I was ma'am.
Bailey- Okay little Ms.Big-Shot then you would have no problem telling me.
Yang-Certainly, Rule #1, don't bother sucking up because you already hate us, rule #2, when nurses page us we will answer it at a run, rule #3, don't wake you unless our patient is actually dying, rule #4 , our patient better not be dead when you get there because then we have woken you up for no good reason, and rule#5, when you move we move.
Bailey- Okay Yang, I still don't like you.
Yang- Thats fine ma'am.
-Bailey points at one of the interns, you notice he looks awkward "hmm why is he so awkward" You thought."-
Bailey- O'Malley, what do you think we should do?
O'Malley- I think we should take him for an MRI, to see what the mass is.
Bailey- Good job, okay,Grey,Yang,O'Malley and Stevens follow me.
Y/N- What about us?
Bailey- Oh, since you were late and Karev over there was making a big scene earlier the both of you are doing scut. NOW MOVE!

-Whats going to happen when you and Alex are doing scut?-

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