Dear r/relationship_advice

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Dear r/relationship_advice

My love life is in shambles. Ty in advance for your help :).

My love life is in shambles. Ty in advance for your help :).

By: DarkAndTwistyDoctor

Dear r/relationshipadvice. I thought I found the guy of my dreams and that we were going to ride off into the sunset and have babies and houses but now his supermodel wife has shown up and they live in the woods together. What should I do?

Oh, and I should also mention that she has long red hair. And she's tall. Like pretty tall. And she was wearing a black fur coat and white pearls. And she shook my hand and her hands were soft. Like really soft. Like silk soft.

And she has a sense of humor. I mean, the joke was on me. She called me the woman who's been 'screwing her husband.' Which I was, but by accident. And it's still sort of funny. It made me laugh. But when I was at the bar later and drunk, not like, in front of her. Anyway, I don't know what to do anymore. Please help. Goodbye.


Author's Note:

This work is inspired by r/relationshipadvice

by villhag

and on that fic, the commenters would act as Redditors and try to give the OP some advice.

Feel free to participate if you like as personas in the comments, and I'll keep them in mind to respond to in future chapters.



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