That Sweet Alien Love Part 3

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After forcing my peanut brain to think of a plan for more than 1 hour I was mentally drained. Even though the bright lights were still on, I went to bed. I pulled the covers over my head and thought of the only person who could settle this qualm I was feeling. I conjured the memory of her beautiful blue skin that glimmered like an ocean's reflection during a perfect sunset, or the way her beautiful neon eyes shined like radioactive waste in clear water. Beautifully and brilliantly. I felt myself starting to drift off. I whispered into the air, "Farewell, sweet alien love..." 

                                              ~the next morning~

What I believe to be the morning came sooner than I thought. When I awoke I saw a tray of foreign food. There was what appeared to be scrambled eggs but they were blue, as well as some heart shaped fruit, and bread that looked to have shards of glass or something shiny in it.  I took a bite. Then a few more because whatever that food was FIREEEE. I felt like the judges on fancy cooking shows after they eat a good meal. 

After finishing my food it was time to plan. My procrastinating could no longer wait. I sat there, on my bed, for 2 hours looking constipated as I kept hitting dead ends with my plan. Finally, I concluded that my biggest problem would be opening the glass door that kept me in. I thought of breaking it, but that would cause too much of a scene. I was so busy thinking that I didn't even notice the hot blue alien walking toward me. As they walked toward my eyes flung to to their face. It was the alien! The alien I feel in love with when I first landed. "What are you doing here?" I asked them. 

"I'm here to perform some tests." They looked not necessarily disgusted but more like, "I really don't want be here right now" As wrong as it seemed to be happy when they obviously weren't, I couldn't help it. This was the alien of my dreams! I didn't know if I would ever see her again. I figured I would have to search this planet far and wide for them, which I was more than willing to do. Still it was a relief that I didn't have to go far to find her. 

"Now if you'd stop staring at me we can begin the tests." 

I broke out of my trance. I hadn't even realized I was staring at her. I could feel myself blush. "Ok, sorry." I apologized, but before we started I had one question for her. "What should I call you?"

"Call me shmae." Their voice was like a glass of lemonade in the midst of summer, satisfying, sweet, and just what I needed. Before I could get another word in she sat on the bed farther away from me than I would have liked, but there none the less. "Now I need you to answer a few questions for me." 

"Of course. Anything for you." I smiled and winked at them. Shmae grimaced in response. 

"I need you name, what planet your from, your age..." She kept going on with similar things she needed. I told her everything she wanted to know. 
"Ok, thank you for your cooperation. Now the tests begin. This first one will measure your intelligence. This will determine if you get more freedom so ,please, do your best." Shmae walked toward the door. "Oh, I will be back in an hour." She left. 

Now time to start the test. My freedom and life depended on the test. I opened the book. I didn't recognize anything!

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