That Sweet Alien Love Part 2

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Though I couldn't understand them at the time, somehow perfectly in sync they responded, "We are the Shevan Army here to take you into custody to investigate you and your appearance here. You have no rights under the Shevan Apocalyptic Act of 1073.4.". I was then brought into a large military base. Where I was disinfected, stripped of my clothes (only Shevan people in the government can wear clothes), and thrown into a small white cell. There was a long bed in the cell, for the Shevan are all between 5 ft 10 and 6 ft 10, there was also what appeared to be a toilet in the middle of the room but it looked like a large clear tube with a clear seat on it. There was also a small table and stool. I couldn't see any cameras (I did see what appeared to be a speaker on the roof) so I figured I could take a piss really quickly since I hadn't peed for about 4 hours. 

Just as I finished a loud speaker announced something like, "Viewing process is about to begin. Pleas sit down on your bed." Even though I didn't understand what the person said I hopped onto my bed.  Just as I did, 2 Shevan officers came in with a small but elaborate machine. It looked like one of those old televisions with a gray screen and no remote so you had to turn the knobs. The only difference was that there were a bunch of wires connecting to some block shaped thing, I assume was battery. The officers approached me on my bed. They put a pair of big headphones on my head then turned me to face the television screen. When they first turned it on, it looked like nothing more than a broken television until one of the officers turned the knob. It felt like I had eaten a shroom, or some sort of hallucinogenic. I saw so many bright colors I had never seen before. It rapidly showed me pictures of what Shevan words meant. Then it abruptly ended. 

I felt like I was in the machine's program for hours. I was shocked when I asked the officers how long it been there, and they responded with "2 minutes". Oh wow, I couldn't believe that I had been there for such a short amount of time. Wait- I realized that the officers could understand me! This was amazing! In a matter of two minutes my whole life had changed! I could now attempt to woo that hot, shmexy Shevan citizen I saw before I was dragged away by the government. I started asking question. "When can I leave?"

"Never." Shevan officer #1 responded 

"Why can't I leave?"

"You are an abomination. A freak not of nature." Huh. at this point I was confused. I mean I wasn't the prettiest pumpkin in the pumpkin patch  but I sure as hell wasn't the ugliest. 

"An abomination?' 

"Yes, it appears as though you don't understand, so let my co-worker tell you in simpler terms." 

Officer 2 spoke, "YOU'RE UGLY. We value looks above everything in Shevan, and if people saw your ugly ass they'd cry from sheer fear." This was utterly heart crushing. I came here for the sole purpose of wooing an alien, and they tell me that I'm seen as a hideous monster never to be let out. 

"So there's absolutely no way for me to leave?"

"No, and any attempts to escape will end in your capture and persecution." They both responded doing that really creepy talking at the same time thingy.  I couldn't believe it. I left my home planet, my life, for the sake of wedding an Alien. Yet, here I am stuck in this darn cell for the rest o my life. How am I to love an Alien when the only one who caught my eye probably sees me as a monster? 

As the officers left murmuring something about lunch for the day I lay down on my bed in mental agony. After a few minutes of self pity I pulled myself together. If I wanted my Alien my hawt alien babe then I was going to have to think of a plan.

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