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??... Looked at y/n for a moment In the crowd..who was just glaring at her while throwing dagger at her....with her wicked smile...as she again looked back at Suga who was looking at y/n with kind of disgust has he looked back at ??... With guilty who had a glimpse of tear in her eye's...for falling in her task....

??...- I..i.ca-...( she cleared her throat) I do...

That was the moment when all stood up and started to clap widely... while ??... Just looked at him with hatred yet...hurtfulness in eyes... while Suga being guilty not able to eye contact with her...

After all guest's were done seeing vows and all arrangements.....all made there ways to food area being very hungry...as Suga and ??... Just waited for y/n to come from greeting all guest's....
Suddenly ??... Asked...

??.... - tell me...why didn't you went to hospital are you this much cruel?

Suga looked up to her with confusion while she just looked starting ahead....

Suga - what do you mean ......my sister?.... she's...totally fine?....

??....- ( she chuckled unbelievably at him before looking directly in his eyes she said)....fine?...have you lost you're memory you're sister'is In comma on hospital bed...

On listening her word's he realised she thinks...Stela...as his sister.... because she thinks Suga as Jimin like anyone else....Suga signed heavily..

Suga - why would I go? She isn't my sister... Jimin should be the one to go hospital...my sister is perfectly fine...

This time ??.... Looked at him with confusion...while talking About sister....he realised when his sister would know his brother is already married'In one night how would she react .

??...- what do you me-
(Before ??... Could continue y/n came in front of them smiling widely as she directly looked at Suga before giving a sweet smile to ??...but this time .  He didn't saw her face as she was covering it with mask and glasses ...

Y/n - jimin my brother in law..it's so nice to meet you personally now....but..why did I felt you're voice different at porche?
( She LOOKED at him with confusion as he changed asking her reverse back question....)

Suga - can you tell me .. how are you both having same looks ... that means you both are really fraud .....

Y/n - I know we both look same but I don't want her to be inside those lobsters...not anymore...and ITS MY COMPANY ONLY MY......she is someone I have hier to be at my position for some times....and our work is always been legal ...so all word's are wrong by them...

??.... - y/n but you forc-...( After there talks ....there was a silence ...??... Tried to say but y/n cut her in between saying...)

Y/n - Jimin... anyway now you are one of my family member aren't you...so... tommorow come In my office I Wanna arrange some paper's with you ok?

Suga - arrange paper's? For jimin's company isn't it ? ( Both ??.. and y/n got confused as hearing him say his own name by his mouth...)
And stop calling me Jimin....I am -

Y/n - why are you saying you're name like this by you're mouth...and of course you are ji-

Suga - no iam not...iam.not Jimin but..

??.... - but?....I didn't marry to Jimin?BUT WITH A STRANGER!???? who are you?

Y/n and ??... LOOKED at him furiously as he fond there fuss annoying...y/n was frustrated because now she won't get Jimin property while ??... Because atlast she was at no use even leaving her life to someone else....

"ACCIDENTAL MARRIAGE" MIN YOONGI FFWhere stories live. Discover now