8. B

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I excused myself from the table and left the diner, telling the boys I would call them later. 'God, please- please let everything be alright.'

✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄   ✄

I grabbed a cab and told the driver where to go. Once we reached the hospital I paid for the drive and immediately headed inside the building. I told the lady at the desk my name and stated as to why I was there. She told me the room number and I wasted no time rushing there.

"Yachi? What happened, sweetheart?" I asked once I went in and saw her crying.

"W-well we w-were walking and- and I wasn't p-paying attention and there- there was a car-" She didn't finish as she started crying but I didn't need her to finish. I knew what she was gonna say.

"Which one?" I asked her and she pointed to the bed behind her. I moved the curtain and there she was. The Kiyoko Shimizu. All beat up.

"Oh my god- Shimizu!" Once I saw her I had fallen to my knees and had to put my hand over my mouth to stop from screaming out. She was bloody all over. They tried to bandage her up but it didn't matter anyway, the blood was still there.

Looking at her like this made my heart shatter. The cuts all over, the blood still on her skin, her not moving even an inch, it was terrifying. She didn't look like herself. I couldn't lose her too. She's my best friend. 

"Wh-what have the doctors said?" I asked, shaking and grabbing Shimizu's hand.

"That she's in bad condition. Th-they said she's in a coma but they have no clue as to when she'll wake up, that she might never..." Yachi started crying again and I cried too. My best friend might die. Gosh, what is with all these people dying on me!

"Please wake up, Shimizu. Please, you can't leave me- you can't leave us alone." I muttered as I squeezed her hand tighter.

"I- I need to let the boys know I'm okay." I said to myself as I grabbed my phone from my pocket and clicked on Kuroo's contact.


Something happen. I'm gonna have to take a

raincheck on lunch today, sorry.


No, it's okay. Let me know if you need anything


Of course, ttyl.

I switched out of Kuroo's contact and instead went to Oikawa's. Seeing Shimizu like this started something in me. I decided I was gonna set things right. I needed to do something before it was too late. 

bff Y/n <3

I need you to tell me something.

The idiot 'Kawa

Hey Y/n, what do you need?

𝑨𝑺𝑾𝑾𝑴𝑻𝑩➳ H. IwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now