7. T

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Kiyoko gave me a smile as I put my shoes on, grabbed a sweater, and headed out the door.

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As I was walking, I just had to bumped into someone.

"Ah! Gomenna-" I stopped as I realized who exactly I had bumped into.

"Oh it's just you."

"Well hi there, Y/n!" Kuroo said, Kenma beside him.

"Hi Tetsurou. Hi Kenma!" I said as I walked up to Kenma.

"Wow. So you really do like Kenma more than me, huh? I feel very wounded, Y/n. You have hurt me and my precious feelings." Kuroo said, being a bit dramatic just for some special effect.

"Uh huh. So I see you two made up. You're welcome." I said with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you. Without your advice, I'd be sleeping outside for the rest of the week."

"Yeah because you're an idiot who doesn't think things through." Kenma said, focused on his phone.

"Anyways...we're going out right now, wanna come? You seem a bit down, and this might help." Kenma looked up at me.

"H- how did you..? I'm not- what?" I was confused to say the least. I knew Kenma was observant but not this observant. I barely even did anything.

"You never go out just because, Y/n. Plus, I figured that something happened since you aren't with Iwaizumi as you usually would be." Kenma focused back on his phone.

"Yeah, what happened?" Kuroo had asked.

"Ah...we just had a little disagreement that's all. Nothing big..." I said with an awkward smile. I'd rather not tell them anything. I'd rather not talk about it at all

"Hmm, well, going out might help!" Kuroo said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with him and Kenma.

"You know, Shimizu-chan said the same thing." I said while trying to pry my wrist out of Kuroo's grip. I failed.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"To eat lunch." Kenma replied to me.

We walked- more like I was dragged- until we reached the car Kuroo had gotten from his parents and went inside. Kenma sat in the passenger seat while I sat in the back. I still had no idea where we were going and only knew I would get food from there. Though, hopefully, it could get me to stop thinking about Iwaizumi for a bit.

"So...where exactly are we going?" I asked them.

"A diner just a little ways from here. I found out about it from my sister" Kuroo answered.

"Ah! How is your sister? I miss her." I said. His sister is my favorite person ever. She's nice and is the coolest person you'll ever meet.

"She doing good. She's even seeing someone right now!" I gasped at this.

"I must meet him! I need to determine if he's good enough for her!"

"Well you'd be the first, then. She hasn't yet allowed us to meet him."

"I've met him." Kenma spoke up.

"You have?!" Me and Kuroo said at the same time.

"On accident. I ran into them once when they were on a date."

"How is he? Is he nice? Is he good looking? Does he have a job? Was he nice to her? Did he seem rich? How were his manners? Did she look like she was happy with him? What's his name? I need answers Kenma!" I said while reaching over and slightly shaking Kenma.

𝑨𝑺𝑾𝑾𝑴𝑻𝑩➳ H. IwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now