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I finally finished all my classes for today. Since it was a Friday, Iwaizumi and I are going to be going out today once he arrives here in Tokyo. Me and Iwaizumi go to different universities. He goes to Kyoto university and I go to Tokyo university so we don't get to see each other often. Lately I've noticed that Iwaizumi has been a bit distant. He hasn't been texting me or calling me as much as he used to but I think it's just because he's busy.

I was in my room, that I shared with a goddess named Kiyoko, getting ready to see Iwaizumi when my phone started ringing.

It was Iwaizumi himself.


"Umm hey Y/n...I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be able to make it this weekend. My professor gave us a project to finish over the weekend and it's really important for my grade so I have to finish it. I'm so sorry but I'll see you next week."

"Oh..ok...I get it. Well bye then! Love you!"

"Yeah bye." And he hung. Just like that. No "love you, too".

This was the second time he blew me off. Last week he said he had a mountain of homework to do and he was sorry he couldn't make it. I couldn't think on it for to long as the door opened revealing the goddess and beauty of this world, Kiyoko.

"Hey Y/n! Getting ready to see Iwaizumi-san?"

"Well I was but he just called saying he couldn't make it. Again."

"Oh..well I'm sorry but you know you could always come and hang out with me and Hitoka." She said with a smile.

"Thanks for the offer but I feel like I'd just be third-wheeling." I responded back to her with a small smile.

"I'm sorry...It's just I know how much you've been wanting to see him. You know, you could just always go to him instead of him coming to you."

"I know but he always comes here and I don't know I feel like he doesn't want to see me. At all." I said sitting down and putting my head in my hands.

"I'm sure that's not true." She said as she sat down beside me and started to rub my back as a form of comfort.

"Thanks Shimizu-chan." I turned to face her and smile.

"Anytime Y/n." She said getting up and patting down the skirt she was wearing.

"Well I'm off to see Hitoka! I just came to see how you were doing." She smiled at me once more as she started to walk to the door.

"Bye Y/n!"

"Bye Shimizu-chan!" And with that she was out the door to see her girlfriend.

I really wish I was able to see Iwaizumi.

Instead of wallowing in self pity I decided to go to the library the university has and re-read one of my favorite books from there to try to feel better. As I reached my destination and went inside, I went to the section where the book was and saw it was moved to a higher shelf. A shelf that I would not be able to reach. Despite this challenge, I tried to reach it anyway and even considered grabbing one of the chairs and standing on it. As I was about to give up a tall figure appeared behind me and grabbed the book.

"Here you go, shorty" I turned around and saw a smirking Kuroo Tetsurou handing me the book.

"Thanks" I said quietly and turning away from him as I grabbed the book.

"I'm sorry what was that? I didn't quite catch it." He said leaning down closer to my height.

"I said thanks you jerk." I said playfully hitting his arm and smiling. Me and Kuroo are actually good friends. We kept on running into each other around campus and found out we like pretty much the same things so we exchanged numbers and became close friends, along with Kenma.

"Wheres Kenma?" I asked looking around for any sign of the cat-eyed liked boy.

"Ouch. I'm here, you know? Do you really like Kenma more than me?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Yes, I do. Now where is he?" I asked facing him.

"You wound me, Y/n. He's in the dorm streaming."

"Oh. Well then you're free to go now." I said, shooing him away.

"Mhm how about no? Let me read with you!" He said smiling.

"I guess, I mean I have nothing better to do." I said while walking and sitting at a table nearby, Tetsurou following behind me.

"You're not seeing Iwaizumi-san today either?" He asked while laying his head in his hand.

"Nope! apparently not. He said he has a project to do over the weekend." I said opening the book and reading the first page of chapter 1.

"Oh.. that sucks. You were really looking forward to seeing him this weekend too." He said frowning.

"Yeah tell me about it."


I lied.

I didn't have a project due over the weekend. I wanted to surprise Y/n since last week I couldn't see her. When I ended the call I had to hurry and get out of the train and leave the station. I walked to store I knew was nearby and bought some f\f (f\f= favorite flower and if you're allergic he got fake ones.) and a stuffed animal which was a tiger.

I got a cab and told the driver the address of her university. Once I was there I thanked the driver and paid. I got out, bringing the gifts, and walked to her dorm. I knocked but no one answered and so I opened the door and no one was there.

'Weird' I thought.

I left and closed the door again. I thought about where she could be and my mind immediately went to the library. I started to walk there and once I was inside I started to search for her.I found her sitting at a table with Kuroo. They were reading a bit to close for me. Nonetheless, I started to walk over to them, the flowers and stuffed animal in hand. I sat down once I reached the table and Y/n looked up at the sound of the chair moving.

"Hey there beautiful." I said, smiling at her.


Hi. This is the first actual chapter of ASWWMTB! this was actually not supposed to go this way but I didn't feel like making is a bit sad already, that's for the next chapter hehe. Hope you enjoyed! take care:)- G.

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