💌 Excepted to Hogwarts 💌

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The two met at that same Cherry Blossom tree everyday for four weeks, from two to half four. Hanging out around the neighborhood, their orphanages weren't too far from each other's. So that was best, they always read book, drew or played games. It was strange for Harriet, since She/He wasn't from this time. But he got used to it after a week, Tom was actually very kind when you got to know him. It was after dinner and Harriet loved talking to Clara, she was so kind and respectful. Always defended her when she could, she had a friend there named Emma. She liked drawing as well as Herself, they usually hung out after breakfast. She didn't mind her eye much, but Harriet started wearing an eye patch to cover it. Since it was weird to some people there, after that incident with those two girls months ago after she met Tom.

She was in the library while Salazar was next to her "Picking out more books huh Harry?" he said with a smirk. "Mhmm, Ooh haven't red this one yet!" she exclaimed as she grabbed it, she now had four books in her hands as she made her way out of the library. She was still wearing Salazar's Locket, and he was fine with it. Only because he allowed it. Going into her room she closed the door behind her, Salazar now sitting on the chair beside her bed. It was more comfortable that the Dursleys one under the stairs in his cupboard.

Sitting on the bed she crossed her legs, put the books on the table. "That one looks interesting " Salazar said as he lifted it and gave it to her, nodding she took it. Opening it she flipped it over and red the plot, a smile crossing across her lips as she flipped to the front page. Starting to read it, getting the feeling that these books aren't that bad. Putting her hand up it shot a small bit of hand magic. Jumping at it and dropping the book on the floor, Salazar getting startled and pursuing his lips. Harriet wrapping his fingers around his left wrist, his eyes widened. The magic was red (Like Wandas(Marvel), it wasn't like anything Salazar has seen before. Only a couple people have been seen with that kind of magic, at least from his knowledge.

"H... How w.. What is that?" Harriet stuttered obviously in shock, Salazar took a deep breath and sat beside her/him putting his hand out. Gesturing him to give his, Harriet did as she/he was told and rested his left hand on Salazar's right one. Salazar putting his left hand on top of both them, slightly caressing the side of Harry's hand closing his eyes. Thinking and taking a feel of his magic, taking a few deep breaths. Opening his eyes he looks at Harry "What is it?" Harriet mumbles. "Well this is obviously very shocking, I haven't seen much of this kind of magic before. Only about twenty people I've seen have that sort of magic Godric, Rowena, Helga and me included. You know it's very rare this sort of magic Harry" Salazar said.

"Really?!" Harriet exclaimed "Yes, very..Very rare" he mumbled the last part as he slowly released his hand from his own. "But you do know that you can't show this to anyone right? Cause Tom Riddle did and he was bullied for it. Was a trouble maker and rude to the other children in Wools ok?". Harriet nodded.

It was a week later and after lunch, She was gonna go see Tom soon before She heard footsteps outside the door. Helga was was sitting beside her on the bed, she instantly disappeared when she heard a knock on the  door. The door opened and in came in a familiar elderly man, he had gray shoulder length hair and a suit on. It was Dumbledore!!.

Dumbledore walked into the room, Clara behind him smiling. He had been told alot about her, As Clara had told him. She had told him about how kind and sweet she was, The young girl was sitting at the edge of her bed. A book in her lap that she was reading, she had dark brown hair almost black that was in two ponytails. "Hello Harriet" he said a small smile rolling across his lips.

Harriet looked up at him with a soft smile "Hello" she said back "I'll leave you be" Clara said to him and smiled at Harriet before she left. Dumbledore went over and sat down on the chair, setting his bag down. He started talking to her about How there was a magical school for people like her, reaching into his bag he pulled out a letter and handed it to her. Harriet pretended to be confused as she took the letter she had been given, examining it before she opened it. Taking out the piece of parchment and unfolding it, saying that she was excepted to Hogwarts. She raised her eyebrow her smile disappearing, her expression now a confused one tilting her head to the left. Looking up at him "Hogwarts?" she questioned still confused, "Yes. Its a school for Witches and Wizards. People who can conjure magic, and you're a Witch Harriet" He confirmed.

Harriet then remembered when she first got her letter, Remembering what Hagrid said. Her eyes widened obviously acting shocked, the exact same way she did when she first got hers. They continued to talk for another five minutes before Dumbldore got up, putting his bag over his shoulder "I'll see you soon Harriet" He smiled and Harriet smiled back. Him leaving, closing the door behind him. Harriet snickered as Helga reappeared on the chair "Real good acting there hun, now you'll be allowed to do magic. Without people calling you weird" She smiled and Harriet smiled as well.

"Well i guess, and now I'll get to see and help Tom more" She/He said happily.

"Yes, Yes you will my Deary" Helga replied "Yes you will" she hummed.

Word Count:1015

Hey Guys Its La-Lloyd!!

This is Harrys exceptions to Hogwarts and Dumbledores arrival.
Hes much kinder, hes literally a bookworm.
like Hermione.
These are getting shorter so they are, but i hope you're enjoying this story.

Anything you want me to add in this story comment/pm me and I'll try fit it in.

I hope you enjoyed!!

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


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