Chapter 1

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Blinking down at his fellow Slytherin's faces, Draco winced in repugnance at what they had just announced to him. He had just failed a bet with his best friend Pansy, both wagering on who would be the first one to fall asleep in Professor Binns History Of Magic class they shared with Gryffindors. He had promptly commented on Harry Potter's name, the boy always seemed to be napping in a way that had the blonde wondering how he passed any of the exams he had taken in the last few years. Pansy had gone with someone from her own house, knowing Blaise well. Draco had lost pretty much straight away as, while Harry had daydreamed most of the lesson away, Blaise had been the first to succumb to slumber. They had decided the punishment would be determined later, and oh what a mistake that was.

"Excuse me?" Draco grunted, hands coming up to rub at his eyes as if it would make him hear better. It didn't work. Pansy and Blaise beamed back at his horror, both enjoying that they had finally got one over on the man who was ordinarily so untouchable. He normally won these things. "I must be hearing you wrong, I could have sworn you just said...,"

"We did." Pansy chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow. Her eyes twinkled at the thought of watching Draco carry out his forfeit. To finally have him complete a dare she had been planning out for ages. Blaise glimpsed towards her with a grin, he was so happy that the girl had asked him to pretend to fall asleep in History Of Magic because this was going to be tremendous.

"But I can't," The blonde muttered, shaking his head at the thought of the impending humiliation. He could imagine the judgment. He just couldn't, could he? He could almost see the looks when people found out and gawked his way. "It's just, no I couldn't."

"You have to." Pansy shrugged, lips cocking upwards on one side. Sure, he didn't have to, they hadn't made any kind of magically binding agreement that would force the boy along with the actions. The bets that they often took part in being a bit of fun and nothing serious. She knew he would though, his pride something he liked to keep intact even if it meant humiliation. But, if for any reason, he wouldn't go through with the debt then she wouldn't make him or intact hold it over him. "We made a bet!"

"He has a girlfriend though, that ginger Weasel girl." Draco pointed out, his lips coming up in a smile as if he had just made the most compelling argument in the world. As if there was any logical reason that the boy being with Ginny would render his mission impossible.

"And?" Blaise asked, rolling his eyes at the excuse. He knew there was really no reason that Draco couldn't do it unless he essentially didn't want to. "We aren't asking you to marry him, or anything like that. Just walk up to him, while he is with Ginny, grab his face and plant one on him. It will be hilarious, absolutely amazing."

"Oh," Draco rolled his eyes. He pouted in a way that made the other two giggle. "It would be, would it? I'm serious though, I'm straight."

"Hmm," Pansy hummed through a chuckle, eyes falling to the floor as she tried to restrain the smile spreading on her lips. She shook her head, she'd sooner believe that he was a muggle-born and that his family was really poor. "And? It's just a kiss. You can tell him after that it was a dare. Your sexuality isn't that fragile, is it?"

"Of course it isn't." Draco gasped, his lips tightening at the accusation that he was anything but secure in himself and who he was attracted to. He knew he loved girls, and that was something he told himself every day because he was so sure. "I'm very secure in my sexuality."

"Then don't be such a pussy," Blaise raised an eyebrow. He placed a loose arm around Pansy, exchanging a look with her at the humour of the situation at hand. The girl sighed, placing an arm back around the boy's waist. She watched as Draco seemed to go over possibilities in his head.

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