Chapter 10

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"You're repulsive."

Brenhin's grin only widened, his hand remaining wrapped around the glass of water that was obviously not intended for him. "Only around you, Muriel."

Muriel, the black-haired guard, gave him a scowl, finally letting go of the glass herself. Brenhin took it as a sign of defeat and brought the water to his lips.

"I hope you choke on it."

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine this fine morning?" His eyebrow cocked, the drink lowered before he even had the chance to take the first sip.

No reply came from Muriel as she walked over towards the large window, slender hands tugging on the curtains, shrouding the room back in darkness.

"Did Cathal leave your bed empty tonight?"

Again no reply, but a venomous look was cast in Brenhin's direction, who had shifted forward in his seat.

"Come on, dearest. Your silence doesn't give me any answers."

Muriel snapped, "as if you like being here, again."

"That is what bothers you, being here?" Brenhin pushed himself up with an exaggerated groan, a few more steps and he stood behind Muriel, pushing back the curtains enough for a ray of sunlight to slice through the dark room. He liked it better that way.

In the regent's manor, this room gave him a particularly good view of Aves, located this close to the shore and the old castle ruins. The court was slowly waking up. Shops were opening, and the fae left their homes. Undoubtedly a tranquil sight, but Brenhin knew how bleak it looked compared to what it once had been.

Here, too, the fae could feel their magicks dwindling. Their powers were not what they once had been with their connection to the sun broken. It was not the first time he had been sent to Aves to escort a group of fae back to Daleagh, the Court of Shadows, but having been presented with all candidates chosen this round it became obvious that it could very well be that within a few decades the fae would no longer be strong to share their light, or darkness, with one another.

Soon it would only be for show.

"A few more days and we will be on our way back. The warmth isn't that bad. You should start seeing it more as a vacation."

Muriel's incredulous expression drew soft laughter from Brenhin, but his words were not spoken with the intention to ridicule her. The warmth in Aves was doable, and so was the sun, even with it being much brighter than they were used to in Daleagh. The days here were long, the fae preferring the outside world over the insides of their homes. It was different back in the Court of Shadows. The nights had always been long, but nowadays they grew only longer and longer. The nights were stunning, no doubt, but it upset the balance. All living things needed the light as much as the darkness. Without light he feared what would become of it.

"It feels like a waste of time," Muriel said, jaw clenching with every word. He couldn't exactly disagree with her but lifted a finger up to his lips to silence her nonetheless.

These walls had eyes and ears. The prince no longer trusted the regent, and vice versa. Brenhin didn't care about the man of the house knowing about their discontentment of their stay, but anything else was better not to be mentioned out loud.

"Two more days until the ball. After that we're on our way back." He offered Muriel a warm smile, stepping into the light. The sun made a variety of blue colours dance in his eyes.

"The ball. Honestly, who in their right mind would feel better saying their goodbyes at a ball, such pretentious bullshi-" Before she could even finish that sentence Muriel silenced herself, craning her neck so that her flaxen locks cascaded down her back. She was an exquisite sight here in Aves amongst all sun-kissed fae.

"Not everything can be like back home," Brenhin shrugged, opening one of the doors leading towards the balcony. Even the air here was different than back in Daleagh. He decided that, too, wasn't that bad as he leaned his body against the balustrade. Muriel didn't join him, and he didn't expect her to either.

"You're just going because you want to see them dance."

"Well, can you blame me? This might be your first time here, but I can tell you that it is a sight to behold."

"Like I already said, you're insufferable." Muriel scolded him. Brenhin cleared his throat, feigning innocence. The dancing itself wasn't much different than what the action entailed back at the Court of Shadows, but where back there it was just dancing, here it brought out the light in most pureblooded, and even some of the lesser fae. They often would light up the room, quite literally. With that in mind he couldn't exactly blame the regent's love for these balls, but Muriel was right. It was pretentious, a desperate attempt to show status.

He pitied those who would be put on display.

"We are tasked to keep an eye on them, Muriel. A little display of power gives our people, and theirs hope."

"Is that why you asked all women to dance with you?" Muriel said, drawing laughter from Brenhin.

"You sound jealous."

"And I am far from, you know that."

Stepping away from the balustrade Brenhin walked back over the threshold. With his arms crossing his chest he took in Muriel's slender form. She was indeed far from jealous, he knew. It was always good fun to tease her a little, however.

"I want to send a positive report back before we leave. Most already showed what they are capable of."

"Except from the one who hid herself, you mean."

What was her name again? They had been given a list of the chosen candidates. Hers had been missing. Brenhin hummed, casting his eyes up towards the ceiling and allowing a brief moment of silence to fall between them. Ailbhe, she called herself. It had been fun watching her train with the blonde one, but what he had seen had made him doubt the regent's decision. She was weak, had not shown an ounce of magick throughout her entire training. Disappointing to say the least. Nonetheless, the thought of her brought the grin back to his lips, a hint of his usual arrogance returning.

One dance was all he needed for her light to present itself.

"No doubt we will see her pretty face there," he said with an amused click of his tongue.

"Dream on," Muriel said with a subtle roll of her eyes. "I'm heading down for breakfast, you coming?"

Brenhin waved his hand towards a letter resting on the desk in front of the open doors that lead towards the balcony. The letter he was going to have to send preferably before nightfall, even if it meant he was going to withhold some information about certain candidates. The prince had to wait a little longer. He would meet the chosen ones once they arrived in Daleagh.

"In a moment, sunshine. Can't keep our dear Firas waiting."

Muriel pressed her hand against the door, but before opening it she cast an impassive glance over her shoulder, making Brenhin raise an eyebrow.

"You know I'd rather have you in my bed than Cathal, so don't ever say that again."


A/N. A shorter chapter this time! Although I'd still like to hear from you what you prefer length-wise. Also, no Earie this chapter. Other characters deserved some attention too ;)  and what can I say. I like Brenhin. Thank you for reading! A comment and vote is always welcome, and if you truly like this story so far, please give me a follow so I can keep you updated on its progress! xx

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