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Hey guys,

Just wanted to write this quick little message to you all. I'm grateful and happy with all the support you guys have given me and I'm sorry I'm slow with my updates and there are two reasons for that.

1) I am really busy so I do struggle to find time to write sometimes.

2) seeing some of your comments really turns me off wanting to update. For starters on my Peter smut there is a lot of slut shaming in the comments section at the fact that I wrote (Y/N) experienced the familiar feeling of an orgasm. That one word "familiar" seemed to set you all off and write words like "she's a hoe" "how many guys did she fuck" etc. I don't appreciate seeing that on my work, it's the 21st century and it's sad to see women slut shaming other women. Girls you should feel comfortable with sex and not feel like you will be slut shamed for it. Women masturbate and that could be a reason the feeling was familiar to her, also I did state that Peter and Y/N have dated for a while at the start of the chapter so it should be no surprise that maybe they have had sex before.

Another thing I have noticed in the comments is that you guys are reading too much into the work and analysing every little detail of it. There is a comment on the first Bucky smut piece where there is an argument on the fact that (Y/N) did not lock her door. Yes I'm all for safety and you should always take extra precautions and lock your doors. I stated however that the bathroom door was not locked not the front door. However, that's not the point I'm making, the point I'm trying to make is to just read and enjoy the smut and not analyse everything. These are not real life scenarios so they shouldn't be analysed like real life scenarios.

Anyway, I'm sorry I had to post this but I really wanted to get this off my chest. Again I'm really grateful for the support you have all given me and I really hope this message does not upset any of you and cause you to stop reading, it's just something I felt like I needed to address and get off my chest.

I promise to try to update more regularly and I love every single one of you xx

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