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Chapter 3


Dilawar pulled into the driveway of Shah Villa, tossing the keys of his Jaguar into his pocket. He was about to mount the perron of the villa, when he espied the figure from his peripheral view in the garden, seated on the same chairs, he was, the last time when he was here.

The garden of the Shah's was enormous and palatial. It was meticulously maintained, as proficient hands have kept it well. Dilawar sighed softly, the lush green place always provided him with succour and comfort.

He adored the fragrance of the blossoms and the frisson of warmth the sun provided among the plethora of trees that lined the boundary of the garden.

At the moment, he wanted to stand still and marvel in the serotonin the nature bestowed upon him, whilst relishing the beauty of this place. No doubt, the Shah's had an empyrean taste regarding nature.

However, he approached the woman occupying a chair in the middle of the greenery. Her brown hair loosely swept on her back, her face framed with a few locks that had managed to escape the confinement of the clip that held them together. She was sitting there with a book in her hand, immersed deep into its words that she didn't perceive his presence.

His eyes swept towards the words on the book, she held in her hand. 'Diwan e Ghalib', it was, for sure, as he had read it uncountable times in his life. And the poetry on display was the one close to his heart.

"I didn't know we shared the same interest, as in poetry." The words left his tongue, for she jumped with surprise and whirled around to face him. Her lips slightly parted, and her large brown eyes stared at him with it's usually intensity whilst her brain processed his presence over there.

"I didn't know you were here." She said almost lividly. "And how would you know, when I never told you about my likes for poetry?"

"Uh-huh!" He grinned and stepped ahead. Her eyes didn't waver away from his, as she never lowered them. She just stared at him and he found himself enjoying the fact that her colossal eyes kept him in her gaze.

"May I sit down?" He asked for her permission.

"And may I ask, why are you here?" She turned around in her place, without making any attempt to extenuate her words.

"Of course, to see the ladies of Shahs. I wondered if they could give me a tour around the area as your men are still not here." He asked rather enthusiastically, taking a seat in front of her.

"Sarah isn't here." She told him as a matter of fact.

"Well, I can wait. I actually have plenty of time during my stay in Pakistan." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"That won't be necessary. She isn't returning any time soon." Her fingers fiddled with the pages of the book in her hand.

"I still don't mind waiting. By the way, where is she?" Laila closed her book with a thud and glared his way.

"Shopping," a monosyllable was enough of an answer and he nodded his head, but never made any attempt to leave, rather kept on sitting there.

She wanted to sit alone and this man was making no attempt to leave this place any time soon proving to be clingy.

"I'd rather warn you that waiting isn't as easy as you infer. You might be sitting here until dinner time." And he laughed, a rich one that rumbled from his chest.

"Well then, what if you accompany me during the time period?" He cocked his head looking intently at her. Laila raised her eyebrows questioningly.

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