#AGL,AGL |1|

740 17 2

•α γυy'ς λοyaλτy, α γιρλ'ς λοvε•


Hi, my name's Ash Ketchum. I live somewhere in the world and I am a very adventurous person. I am a traveller, an explorer, and an adventurer, of course! But mainly, my work is as a photographer of wildlife.

It is because I love animals, a lot! Even when I was a kid, I used to watch Animal Planet and NatGeo Wild and others. I also loved reading a lot of books about them so I took up photography and my talent was taken in the spotlight when I was asked to be a photographer in wildlife.

Because of my work, I don't often go home and mostly spend my time in the dessert, in the forest, in the ocean, and even in the North and South pole! I have gone to a lot of countries because of my work and I had a lot of strange encounters with animals...

But now, I needed to take a break. I was given by my agency for a month of vacation and so I am back to my home country!

I arrived at my home and saw my mom cooking my favorite food and I didn't need anymore second to finish it up when it was served.

I was full after five servings and my mom told me that I never changed a bit with my appetite which made us laugh together.

Oh, the sense of home~

In the evening, I jumped to bed and rolled over and over like a snake because I was so happy to be back in my own room. It was indeed a long time.

My life with wild animals has made me act like one as well. Hehe~

But because I was so tired, I was already snoring after a few minutes and was sleeping like a log until the morning.


"Ash! Wake up! You got a visitor!"

I gradually blinked my eyes and rolled to the side of the bed before I looked at the door where I heard mom knocking from the outside.

"Hm? A visitor?"

"Ash Ketchum, get out of there already!"

I jumped and raced to the door before I could even get scolded more and mom shook her head seeing me with my bedhair that I quickly fixed with my hand as comb.

"A visitor early in the morning??"

Mom led me to the living room and I saw a familiar individual waiting there that made me to widen my eyes.

"Ash!! Wow! It's been so long! I missed you so much!"

She ran to me and locked me in a tight embrace before she quickly let me go as well blushing slightly and attempting to act as normally.

"Hey~ Yeah... It's been so long! I guess I was too caught up with my work... Hehe... How have you been, Serena??"

She fidgeted her hands and replied to me as modestly as she could.

"Great... I am having a good time with my work as an actress now. And I got a lot of projects being offered with too~ I was surprised to hear that you came back after five years, Ash... So I came to welcome you back! Here, I bought some cookies..."

And I received the cookies that Serena brought with her and we ended up chatting casually together. There were even times I got awkward with her but we ended up talking until she decided to go when she was picked up by her manager since she said she still got a sched to do today.

I only walked her to the gate and she gave me a kiss on my cheek before she even stepped in the car and it drove off. I guess she had a good career life now...

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