Happy Easter

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Hey guys sorry for this, I know I update a couple times a week and I haven't updated since last week.

I just had to travel to Sydney and see Hamilton!!! And I didn't feel safe having my laptop in the city. (I'm from the country so I'm freaking out)

Anyway Hamilton was awesome, I had Easter with my best friend and its a pretty good time.

Except when we got lost and couldn't find our way out so we called an uber aha.

It being Easter today I thought I would share with you the true celebration of Easter.

Warning don't read if you care a lot about Christian or Catholics.

Easter was the original celebration 9f Estarr the pagan goddess of fertility.

Bunnies were the symbol because of their high fertility rate and they worshipped them.


People would go have orgies in Eastarrs temples to get pregnant.


I love telling people that ahaha.

Anyway have a great Easter everyone and the next chapter will come soon!


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