T h r e e

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Thor and Captain America look at her with apprehension and determination. She holds her hands up in mock innocence. The God and the self righteous man share a look before the shield-head puts his hand too his face before muttering; "There's another enhanced on the field."

She let out a sigh of disappointment at being found out, not that she was trying all that hard - the tricky glint in her eye usually tripping her up, she grins at them before letting the green energy surround her hands.

They were an American and a God . . . She could take them.

Both men were in a fighting stance, so as Thor spun his hammer, she put a little resistance against it, in which Thor found it hard to spin, with her other hand, she casts her aura out to prevent the shield from moving towards her, and eventually Thor let go of the hammer in an attempt to hit Lorna, in which she directed the full force of the hammer towards the American. Lifting the shield away so he couldn't protect himself, the man was flung back into a tree, breaking it in half as the hammer hit him, the shield heading towards Thor as Lorna uses both their weapons to hurt one another. Thor was fighting with the shield, which was moving too fast for him to deflect the edges ramming into unprotected flesh.

"Enough of this game!" Thor bellows as Lorna laughs. She was enjoying this, toying with them and it was making both men frustrated and angry beyond belief.

"Fine. Have it your way." Lorna says, thick Sokovian accent on show as her green power flew to her belt. Launching knives into the guts of both men, who yelp in alert and pain as another couple of knives inbed themselves into the men's arms, thighs and stomachs.

She was right in her assumption that she could take them both on. She could see Pietro zooming behind them and a smile comes to her face.

"Let's do this again some time, yeah?" She asks the men as they groan. She magnetises the knives back to belt, both dripping with red. Then men grunt, and glare at her as Pietro grabs her and speeds off. Thor's hammer a second too late once he got control of it again.

With all that's left of the woman who defeated them an empty area, Thor gets the transmission that Clint is injured, lucky both men heal quickly as they were able to complete their missions. Rescuing Clint and breaking into the facility. Steve was glad that both of the little freaks were gone, for now.

Or so he thought as he meets the third enhanced.

He was getting sick of them already.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

Pietro was surprised when seeing the door to the lab was open. In fact he was worried.
Lorna shared the same fear, that one of the avengers was going to bring down everything they were working for.

Speeding into the room they both spot Wanda hiding in the shadows as Tony Stark himself marvelled at the sceptre.

Lorna and Pietro, both ready to make a move against him as his metal suit flies and lands around his hand.

"You're just gonna let him grab it?" Pietro whispers as she puts as Wanda puts her arm out preventing her siblings from moving. An excited look on her face as she watches Tony, transfixed.

And Lorna knows that she saw something within that intelligent and arrogant head of his.

Something that would work in their favour.

Tony grabs the sceptre with an astonished look as he stares at the blue stone.

His face, Lorna could read it. His look of disbelief and happiness that they've won. Finally.

If only he knew, if only anyone knew what diabolical ideas the triplets were planning.

As he disappears through the way he entered, Wanda turns to her siblings.

"He is going to tear the avengers apart." She says with child like excitement.

That would work, the avengers splitting from the inside, hating each other, perhaps even killing each other.

Lorna grinned.

"Good work sister, you've done good. Now, we let them do the rest." Lorna says, giving Wanda a punch on the arm of encouragement.

Triplets speed off to their own section of the research centre, knowing it'll be getting cleared out by agents or robots of such, in a blur grab their things before fleeing.

Lorna blew the dust off the furniture of what was left of their home before they volunteered for Hydra's experimentations.

A sigh leaving Lorna's lips as she tosses herself onto the old and weathered cough.

"Ugh! I never thought I'd feel this couch again!" She cries out as she nestles deeper into the brown ripped leather.

It may be old, and ugly. But it was the most comfortable thing Lorna has, or will ever feel again. Always softer than any bed, any other sofa.

This lounge; she would take it with her anywhere if she could.

Pietro tried to sit down with his sister, but she snarled and wouldn't remove her feet, so he chuckles and sits on the floor by Lorna.

"Wanda, Lorna has stolen the couch again." Pietro whines, as if he is an actual child. Lorna rolls her eyes and buries herself deeper, equally as childish as she pokes her tongue out at Pietro.

It was good feeling childish again. She missed her old home.

"Hey Wanda, come out and tell us what you saw in Stark's head." Lorna calls out to her sister who emerges from the doorway with a somewhat clean glass and even more questionable water inside. But what can you do in these circumstances? Lorna shook her head at the thought and paid attention to Wanda.

Wanda, who now has joined Pietro on the ground looked up at Wanda with pure joy and excitement.

"I saw the end of the avengers. Brought on by Stark's fear and arrogance." She takes a sip of the murky water and hides her disgusted look as she keeps talking.

"He will tear them apart, he'll create what he's trying to prevent. That will cause a rift between the avengers and then we'll strike. Take them down one by one." She finishes.

Lorna perks up, adding;

"Until they rip each others throats out." All three siblings, smiling at the thought of their victory.


Without the avengers.


Thank you to colesprouse652 for asking me to update. Knowing people like my book enough to ask for an update really motivates me.


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