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She could feel the waves of disappointment radiate off of her sister, as she heard Strucker reject the prospect of the triplets fighting the oncoming enemy. Especially when Tony Stark was among them.

She could practically see the hatred as it radiates off of her siblings like steam, they have wanted this man dead for so, so long. And Lorna - well, she was with them. Once, maybe. She would have been content with the man simply being held accountable for the actions that brought the destruction of her town and the death of her parents. But now, after all this time, the anger and the thirst for vengeance has been festering under her skin like a wound that's become infected, fueled by the cruel and hate filled whispers made by the Hydra scientists. Something rotten had grown from the infection, something that scared Lorna when she thought about it. Something seeking destruction, the end of those who hurt her family. And she wouldn't be happy until everyone of her enemies were bled dry.

Her brother had shot an all-knowing look to Wanda, as he held her hand. Wanda had given him a similar look, and Lorna knew that they were communicating. Silently, in a way only siblings could. Lorna, who was standing a little back from watched the scenes in front of her as she twirled the knife she took from her belt. Watch as Strucker talked to his men about how his men could take on the avengers. She concealed a snicker at that. Taking her attention away from everyone else, she focused on her knives. Twisting the knife between her fingers before pushing the sharp tip into her index finger. She stood here memorised as a ruby drop came to the surface.

"Hey, let's go." Whispers Pietro, so she puts the knife back into its holder, then in the blink of an eye, the enhanced triplets had disappeared from where they once stood.

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She took a breath, letting the crisp fresh air fill her lungs. It wasn't often that they got to be outside, in case any prying eyes saw the experiments and told those who had no business knowing what Hydra was doing. So, it was nice, in a way. To be outside, even if the purpose was to fight. There was a chill to the air as Pietro placed Lorna down on the snow filled ground.

Wanda was in the building, already having been delivered inside, in case someone got in. Wanda was strong, probably the strongest one of three. Could take on someone two, three maybe even four times bigger than her. So, she could handle herself against the enemy.

Now it was time for them to stop the avengers from breaching the facility, Pietro giving his sister a nod, a wordless form of agreement that Lorna reciprocated. A silent promise to look after themselves while on the battle field. So they didn't lose anyone.

They couldn't lose anyone else, no.

They wouldn't lose anyone else.

Lorna refused to lose anyone else she loves.

Reaching up, she wraps her slender arms around Pietro, a hug, just in case. "I love you Pietro, please, take care." The thick Sokovian accent was the only sound in the dark tunnel. "I will sister, look after yourself. Love you." And with that he sped off in a blur of silver, down the train tracks.

With Pietro gone, Lorna rolls her shoulders, letting her neck crack as she lets her power expels from her body, feeling the metal of her knives, feeling the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Feeling all the metal around her. She felt whole. She usually reigns in her powers when around her siblings, just in case she slips and hurts someone. Hurts Wanda or Pietro. She couldn't bare that.

She grabs two knives from her belt, looking as the green aura sounds them, and she lifts herself into the air. As she does her field of view expands, she can see how the Strucker's men are being destroyed by the avengers, who do not hesitate to blow something up.

She always had knives on her, never liked depending on her power 100%. Not that there was anything wrong with only using your powers, hell her sister was the most powerful being she knew.

But there was something about the glint of the blade, the coolness of the metal.

The truth, she just really, really loved knives.

She sets herself onto the tree branch, hidden from view. She can see it all, the men dying, the men injured and the enemy getting closer and closer to the facility. Off to the side, she can see the recongisible silver blur that is her brother as he speeds his way through the battle field. First, he takes out the archer, who seems to be getting frustrated and confused that his arrows are not hitting their mark. Pietro attacks, knocking him over into the view of the weapons then speeding towards the blue man with the shield. After knocking him over she loses sight of him and decides it's time to help, sending her powers out, she makes all the enemies weapons fail, every bullet fired, falling limply to the snow-covered ground, the redhead seemed especially troubled by this as she seeks help for the fallen archer.

Extending her powers, she decides to toy with them, much like her brother, as the man with the shield (which doesn't obey science) throws his protection as if it is an extension of himself, as if he knows it'll come back. Lorna smirks as she lets the green aura float towards the shield, manipulating it in a way that prevents it from coming back. The man hesitated for a moment, spooked by the shield not returning to him like it always does. He looked around cautiously before jogging over to collect it, he looked down at it as if it had betrayed him.

She would keep messing with him but there was more havoc to bring. She sees the man with the hammer, who is controlling the lightning, what she knew about Norse mythology, she gathered this was Thor; the great god of thunder. She noted how dependent on the hammer he seemed and wanted to test if she could control even Asgardian metal. Extending her powers, she tested this theory, it was a bit harder to control, took a bit more strength and a bit more power, but she could control it enough so when the hammer came hurtling back towards the god, it aimed slightly more to the right, missing his hand and hitting him in the chest, sending him landing on his back and struggling to breathe. He gets up and composes himself in less time Lorna thought he would, he spun his hammer, looking for what caused the oddity with Mjolnir. She fought for the control of the hammer once again but Thor was expecting something this time, so it was a lot harder to take control of the metal.

His fighting back, has made Lorna unsteady in the tree, Thor and the shield man had both made their way towards where she was stationed, she didn't dare breathe too loud. But with one final act of defiance Thor had with the hammer, it sent her hurtling towards the know.

She caught herself, using her powers to stop her falling as she was about to be flattened. The only downside, is now she has the attention of both men. And neither looked happy.

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