Filler Chapter #2- Leaf Village Reactions

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it's been about a week since i updated and that is because when i checked how many votes the last chapter had yesterday it said it had nine but when i checked this morning it said it had 10 and i was like, 'finally people!' please don't so long to vote. i love writing this story but if i don't get 10 votes, i won't wtite a new chapter and post it for you all. if you really want me to continue, please vote. and just because i said i wanted 10 votes at least does not mean i only want 10 votes. i want more but i'm not that demanding or mean.

on with the story!



as Kakashi, Sakura and NAruto walked back into the leaf village, spirits down, they got a few stares from the villagers.

"hey Forehead! where's Sasuke-kun and Darci?" Ino asked running up.

her team was following behind her.

"yeah, where is Darci? mum said if i saw her that she had to go straight home" Shikamaru said.

"come with us to the Hokage office. i only want to say it once" Kakashi said.

Kakashi was the most down.

Darc felt like a daughter to him and sh actually got him a little.

better than Asuma or Guy does.

"we'll come Kakashi" Asuma said.

the two teams made their way to the Hokage building and on that trip they picked up Kurenai and Guy's teams.

Kurenai knocked on the door and they heard a shout of 'come in!'.

Kurenai opened the door and everyone piled in.

"what's the meaning of all of you beng her?" lord Hokage asked.

"Lord Hokage, will on our mission to the edge of the fire country, something went wrong" Kakashi started.

"where are Miss Yuex and Mr Uchiha?" Lord Hokahe asked frowning.

"they're dead are they?" Ino asked, hand over her heart.

"no, they're not dead." Sakura said.

she had tears in her eyes that she is having trouble keeping back.

"what happened?" Lord Hokage asked alarmed.

"it has to do with Darci's separete mission. she got into her fathers base" Kakashi said.

"she what?" Kiba asked.

his anger was boiling to the point where he almost couldn't containit.

Darci felt like a sister to him and he liked her more than a friend at one stage but didn't have the guts to tell her.

"there hae been a string of missing bodies at the edge of the fire country border. we beleive that Orochimaru and his henchmen are the ones responsible. i sent Darci on a mission to infiltrate Orochimaru's base and see if it was them" Lord Hokage explained.

"well as i said before, Darci did get in. but i think she made a mistake. she asked Orochimaru if they could take Sasuke in. Orocimaru said yes so he sent her on a mission to kill Sakura, Naruto and i and kidnap Sasuke. she did get Sasuke but she left us alive. she also left me a message. i don't know how or when but she did." Kakashi explained further.

"what was this message?" Lord Hokage asked getting some ink and paper.

"she got the message into my head and it said 'it is Kabuto and my father killing the people who have gone missing. i will fix it by myself. head back to the leaf village and don't worry about Sasuke. i'll keep an eye on him. please tell the Nara's that i love them and for them to forgive me. give my best wishes to Kurenai and Asume who should really come clean soonor it is going to back fire on them badly and i am by-ding time so please leave this base alone. i have a plan. love Darci' " Kakashi quoted.

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