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You guys should've told us that you weren't going back to the studio!" Jax told them as they entered the studio room, where mics and instruments stood in place for practice.

"Yeah, yeah," Dream muttered, getting up to his place in front of the mic and next to Wilbur, who stood in front of his own mic.

Grumbling something under her breath, Alexa spoke up a second after, "Do you guys know what songs you guys want to do?"

His band looked at him and Dream nodded slowly, "Yeah, we know what we want to do."


"Now turn away
'Cause I'm awful just to see
'Cause all my hair's abandoned all my body
All my agony
Know that I will never marry
Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go"

Dream opened his mouth to continue from Wilbur just left off on but he was interrupted with a loud ringing sound. Dream flinched, pulling off his headphones and Wilbur did as well.

Turning around, he saw that cords that were attached to Karl's electric guitar had disconnected and the ringing had began.

Karl scrambled to plug them back in before successfully doing so and glaring at one of the workers there. "I told you to double check if they were plugged in all the way!"

She looked everywher but at Karl's face, "Sorry."

Sighing, Karl adjusted his guitar, "Alright, we good, let's continue."

Taking a deep breath, Dream shouted, "1. . .2. . .3!"

Ranboo banged on the drums and the Karl strummed on the electric guitar.

Dream's voice rang through the studio room, mixing in with Wilbur's.

Their talent. Their voices mixed perfectly. Dream had a more forceful, raspy voice while Wilbur's swam smoothly through the air, a lighter tone than Dream's.

Finally opening his eyes, Dream saw Alexa and Jax trying to hide their smiles while the other workers and producers were happily bobbing their heads along to the beat. Dream smiled. If they were happy about this song, he was.

"And. . .cut!" Jax shouted.

The music slowly died away.

Dream pulled off his headphones, shaking out his hair since it was plastered to his head.

"That was awesome!" Alexa exclaimed, "You guys are finished for now. I want you guys back in four hours."

Happy for this break, Dream followed his band out the door.

Ranboo clapped them all on the back, "That was great guys. We just gotta wait four hours until our next one."

Dream chuckled, "Yeah."

Wilbur shoved Dream, "You gonna go see your boyfriend?"

Looking away to hide his flushed face, Dream sped up his pace, "Actually, no, I'm gonna go look for something to eat. I'll see you guys in a few hours."

With that, he turned into a different hallway leading to the caferteria.

Immiedieatly as he entered, the smell of so many foods came to him and he eagerly hurried to the counter, looking for something to eat.

Finally deciding on some simple pizza, he sat down at a table and pulled out his phone once he heard it buzz. George was calling him.

A huge grin growing on his face, Dream answered the facetime and he was met with George smiling at the camera. "Hi Dreamy! How'd it go?"

Laughing, he took a big bite of his pizza before answering, "Good, actually. We got a few songs done but we gotta go back in four-ish hours."

A meow sounded from the other side of the phone and Dream perked up, "Was that Mali?"

George nodded and Dream frowned playfully, "Show me her." He demanded, trying to make his voice sound as serious as possible.

In which he was heavily failing.

Giggling, George set down the phone and bent down to grab Mali and Dream's fake-frown disappeared, "Mali! Hi baby girl!"

There was a chuckle on the other side of the phone and Dream heard that it was Nick. "Is someone stealing your mans?"

George went red and covered his face with his hands--sweater paws--his hoodie was too big for him. "Shut up."

They continued talking for hours until Karl walked through the caferteria, "Dream, rehearsal time again."

Sighing, Dream looked back at the phone, "I gotta go Georgie, bye!''


Dream smiled and hung up before standing up from his seat and following Karl back into the studio room.

As they walked in, Jax looked at them pointedly, "Dream, you're seven minutes late. Where were you?"

Biting the insides of his cheek, Dream hesitated to find an answer, "Sorry, I got carried away with time."

He swore he saw Jax roll his eyes, "Whatever. Get in your spot."

Frowning, Dream hurried to his spot in front of his mic and Ranboo hit his drumsticks together, "One. . .two. . .three!"

He sang along the instruments, letting his voice soar through the air as Wilbur echoed his words. Karl's electric guitar strung behind them and Ramboo banged in the drums and symbols, the noise bouncing off all the walls and echoing.

"And. . .cut!" Jax said again, this time more abruptly and Dream stopped suddenly.

He and and the rest of his band exchanged curious glances as Alexa asked, "Why this song?"

Dream hid smile. " 'Cause."
Sorry for the longer wait. . .may or may not be slightly grounded 😀 aha whOopS
Word Count: 891

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