(BakuDeku) Lab Rat

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This is a no quirk au. TW- blood warning. (5479 words yall)


What was playing on the computer, was nothing that anyone would enjoy watching.

"N-NO! PLEASE! I-ILL DO ANYTHING!" the figure yelled as he tried backing away from the approaching figure who was holding a camera. You could hear a raspy snicker come from behind the camera as the image got closer and closer to the panicking boy.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have taken the little girls place! But here you are! acting like a hero when you're sitting here screaming for dear life!" the raspy voice spoke as he showed a syringe in front of the camera that had a glowing green substance that bubbled inside the glass tube.

After the syringe was out of view, the image came closer to the boy and you could see how horrible he looked. his clothes were torn, leaving him in only a pair of ripped pants. He was chained to a wall with both his wrists and ankles cuffed and attached to a metallic bed. his body was thin and you could see his ribcage, his elbows and kneecaps were sticking out because of the lack of fat the boy had. You could also see his cheekbones as his green eyes were droopy. He also had strange green hair but it was also fairly long and curly.

The chained boy screamed as his fearful expression turned into one of hatred. He thrashed around, pulling on the chains but they were too strong and they were starting to bleed. The camera got closer and closer until it was set down on a table, framing the boy's upper body and face, before a hooded man walked in around the table and in front of the camera beside the boy.

the hooded man then easily wrapped his fingers around the smaller boys arm before stabbing the syringe right on the boys forearm and injecting the green bubbly substance. The trapped male froze before letting out a blood curdling scream, making the light above him flicker ever so slightly. When the syringe was pulled out, the boys mouth started foaming and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His body shook violently as the man stepped into the darkness, out of view.

The greenettes arms started turning purple, the cuts that were on them started spewing out blood until the color stopped at its shoulders, blood pooling on the stainless steel table. His body started to relax until it came to a full stop. It was silent and all you could hear was the dripping blood that fell from the table onto the floor.

The camera was suddenly grabbed and turned around and you could see a pair of red eyes and a psychotic smile on a man's face.

"I would say that went successfully~ wouldn't you agree~?"

The camera cut off, revealing a black screen and then a small circular arrow with the words 'replay' on. Huffing, the officer exited out of the tab before running a hand in his hair.

"This video was locked away but thanks to the infiltrating officer we were able to recover it" He spoke as he turned around from his chair, pulling out the hair tie that held his black hair in a bun.

"Aizawa, what does that video have to do with the kid were looking for?" A spiky blonde haired male, known as Katsuki Bakugou, asked as he followed the officer to his office.

"Well, apparently, that kid is the same one that we have been looking for all of these months. He had disappeared over a few months ago and we had an idea of his whereabouts but just as we figured out his location, we lost him. And, as you know, we've been trying to relocate him for the past few weeks." Aizawa spoke again as he typed something in his computer before facing it towards the other. Katsuki scooted his chair in as he leaned in to get a better look.

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