1- Night

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S: Sam

C: Carly

F: Freddie


Sam's POV:

Me, Carly and Freddie are having a sleepover at Carly's; we're in her room playing 2 truths and one lie. We are all sitting on the blow up bed that my boyfriend, Freddie, and I are gonna sleep in. We've been going out for about 4 months- it's not too bad. Ew. Anyways, Carly's at the end of the mattress, I'm sitting in the top right corner and Freddie is laying on his side on the left side of the bed. I can see Freddie's getting tired and it's low key kinda cute.

C: "Ok, my go! Number one: I like wearing yellow clothing, Number two: I kinda like blonde boys and Number 3: I like apples."

S: "Easy, the lie is number 2 because you love blonde boys not kinda like"

F: "Yeah, number 2!"

C: "Correct"

S: "My go! Number one: I like eating oranges, Number two: I have 36 restaurant numbers in my phone and Number 3: I like fried chicken"

C: "Umm, number two?"

F: "No, it's number one"

S: "Freddie's correct, soz Carls."

C: "Meh, it's alright" she said and shrugged.

S: "Your go, baby"

F: *yawns then sakes his head* "Umm yeah. Ok so, Number one: I like coke, Number two: I've only ever had 2 dentions an*yawns*d Number 3: I don't like Nike clothing"

S: "It's number 3"

C: "Yeah, it's number 3"

F: *yawns* "Correct"

I then leant down to Freddie and started rubbing his temple with my thumb.

S: "You ok, babe?" I whispered to him looking into his eyes.

F: "Yes, I'm fine baby. D-d*yawns*on't worry about me"

S: "Ok" I whisper back. I then sat back up but still rubbing his temple.

S: "Your turn again Carls"

During Carly's turn Freddie kept yawning and I saw his eyes start to droop so I decided to stop our game.

I leaned over to Carly and whispered "Hey, can we stop? I wanna get Freddie to bed, he's got a meeting really early tomorrow morning"

C: "Aww that's so sweet; ok" she whispers back.

S: "Thanks Carls" I whisper, slightly laughing at her statement.

Carly then gets up off the bed and turns the lights off. She then walks quietly over to her bed and falls asleep straight away. Honestly, I don't get how people can do that?

S: "Come on... It's time for bed" I said, quietly.

F: "K" he sighed. Freddie hated when he looked weak but it just gives me more of a chance to laugh at him. He gets bullied by people, for being "weak" and I do stick up for him, but it just makes him feel worse so I'm not much of a help.

I pulled the duvet over us and placed Freddie's head on his pillow. I put my left hand over his body, gently and placed my head on the top half of my right arm. I looked at him with love sick eyes, what did I do to deserve him?

F: "Night" He whispered and kissed me.

S: "Night, n go to sleep. You had a long day"

F: "Ok" he sighed and we immediately fell asleep.

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